
My Mother

I have the blessing to talk with my Mom often during the week. She has been a faithful friend and wise counselor all my life. And her prayers are close to God’s heart. Here’s a poem for Ruth Cecilia Slavit.
My Mother

O, for rich unending love, that God puts in her heart,
O, the days and weeks and years her prayers for me impart.
She’s my good friend, confidante, when life’s harsh troubles brew,
An answer with sound wisdom and voice so kind and true.

Faithful to her husband as she raises her eight-fold brood,
Faithful to each child, despite their health or mood,
Giving every moment in an unrelenting care,
That beggars worldly service as light transcends the air.

I’ll never have the words to adequately sing her praise,
I know not the expression to tell of her sweet ways.
But this I will with heart so full, proclaim in simple truth,
That I will love and thank God for my Mommy, Ruth.

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