Marriage & Family

A Wedding Poem

wedding poem

Here is a poem for all those wonderful couples who are getting married–and for all those faithful couples who live their marriage with God’s mercy and grace each day!

God’s Word is the standard
For life and for living,
It teaches of fellowship,
faithfulness, giving.

With His loving kindness
And grace we are blessed,
In marriage a husband
And wife can find rest.

With commitment and honor
By respect mixed with love
A union is strengthened
By our Father above.

You are joint heirs together
Of God’s grace in this life,
The woman and her husband,
The man and his wife.

So beloved young couple,
As you travel sweet days,
Remember God’s goodness,
Be blessed in His ways.

For His promise is faithful,
Jesus Christ paved the way,
And each moment grows richer
From this first, wedding, day.

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