
Psalms in Poetic Form: PSALM 101

Click here to read PSALM 101 in poetic form.


Psalm 101 is the twelfth in the Numbers Book of the Psalms, which goes to Psalm 106. God’s rest is a major theme of these 17 Psalms, and in this specific Psalm, we see the Messiah walking in God’s perfect way and refusing to allow the wicked and deceitful to be with him.


Psalms in Poetic Form: PSALM 100

Click here to read PSALM 100 in poetic form.


Psalm 100 is the eleventh in the Numbers Book of the Psalms, which goes to Psalm 106. God’s rest is a major theme of these 17 Psalms, and this specific Psalm encourages God’s people to sing and praise the Lord for His goodness, mercy, and truth. It is similar to Psalm 95 in content.


Psalms in Poetic Form: PSALM 99

Click here to read PSALM 99 in poetic form.


Psalm 99 is the tenth in the Numbers Book of the Psalms, which goes to Psalm 106. God’s rest is a major theme of these 17 Psalms, and in this specific Psalm, God gives His people a new song to sing.

God's Power

God Will Fight for Us

“What are we gonna do?”

So often, men and women (and especially guys) see a problem and immediately want to go fix it. That can be a noble ambition, when it is tempered with God’s wisdom and grace. I can remember quite a few times in my life when my trying to fix things actually made them worse. But God’s mercy covers, and He is always ready to help us through our troubles when we trust Him to do so.

God's Power

Eye of the Storm

Sherry and I lived on Guam from January 1986 to June 1992. During that time, we had to batten down the hatches for three typhoons: Lynn in October of 1987, Roy in January 1988, and Russ in December 1990. We had heard stories of the destructive storms Karen (1962) and Pamela (1976) and how almost the whole island had to be rebuilt.


Psalms in Poetic Form: PSALM 98

Click here to read PSALM 98 in poetic form.


Psalm 98 is the ninth in the Numbers Book of the Psalms, which goes to Psalm 106. God’s rest is a major theme of these 17 Psalms, and in this specific Psalm, God’s people are called to sing a new song. That new song is found in the next Psalm (99).

God's Power

The Darker the Night…

The author in his younger days.

I was saddened yesterday as the Devil continued to ramp up his fomenting of division and strife in our country which is founded on Biblical truth. The old saying “The darker the night, the brighter the stars shine” is still true. We are the ones to shine forth with truth in the midst of the twisted and perverse systems of this world.


Psalms in Poetic Form: PSALM 97

Click here to read PSALM 97 in poetic form.


Psalm 97 is the eighth in the Numbers Book of the Psalms, which goes to Psalm 106. God’s rest is a major theme of these 17 Psalms, and in this specific Psalm, God gives His people a new song to sing.


Psalms in Poetic Form: PSALM 96

Click here to read PSALM 96 in poetic form.


Psalm 96 is the seventh in the Numbers Book of the Psalms, which goes to Psalm 106. God’s rest is a major theme of these 17 Psalms, and in this specific Psalm, God’s people are called to sing a new song. That new song is found in the next Psalm (97).

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ—What Else Is There to Talk About?

During this holiday season I’ve had the joy of singing Christ-based hymns and carols with my middle-school students. I have sweet memories of growing up in the church and remembering Jesus Christ and his accomplishments during this time of year. There is nothing or no one more important to talk about.