
Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 95

Click here to read PSALM 95 in poetic form.


Psalm 95 is the sixth in the Numbers Book of the Psalms, which goes to Psalm 106. God’s rest is a major theme of these 17 Psalms, and this specific Psalm offers worship to God for the rest  someday available when the Messiah comes. Although the children of Israel could not enter into God’s rest under Moses, there remains a rest to the people of God today through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 4:9).


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 94

Click here to read PSALM 94 in poetic form.


Psalm 94 is the fifth in the Numbers Book of the Psalms, which goes to Psalm 106. God’s rest is a major theme of these 17 Psalms, and this specific Psalm is a heartfelt prayer and request for God to help against the wicked. This prophesies that even though the Messiah will be under great attack, God’s comforts will delight his soul. God will be his defense and cut off his enemies.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 93

Click here to read PSALM 93 in poetic form

God's Power

The Throne Behind the Power

I’m currently more than half-way in reading Winston Churchill’s A History of the English Speaking Peoples. Throughout European and American history there have been cabals, national movements, secret juntas of the wealthy and powerful, lies and propaganda…and always a steady fabric of Christian believers who prayed and fought the real spiritual fight of believing.

Health & Healing

Beating Covid—More Details

There are a lot of ways people say Covid can be beaten. Trusting God is the key. Here are a few lines from Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss that may be helpful.


Beating Covid

Have you ever read a book or watched a movie—and you skipped to the last chapter or watched the last five minutes? It just seems to take all of the tension and worry out of the adventure. Sometimes, that’s a good thing.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 92

Click here to read PSALM 92 in poetic form


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 91

Click here to read PSALM 91 in poetic form

God's Power

Glorify God Through Christ

One of my favorite sections of scripture is Philippians 2:9-11.

Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 90

Click here to read PSALM 90 in poetic form


Psalm 90 begins the Numbers Book of the Psalms, which goes to Psalm 106. God’s rest is a major theme of these 17 Psalms, and this specific Psalm shows the need for God’s rest.