
Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 72

exodus train

Click here to read PSALM 72 in poetic form.


The Exodus book in Psalms is composed of Psalms 61-72, showing the Messiah’s great atoning work. Psalm 72 brings the great story of God redeeming His people from Egypt with mighty signs and wonders to a close. It concludes with the following benediction and double Amen: “Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things. And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen.”

God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: Messiah versus the Serpent, The Great Conflict

jesus in gardenWe have seen many things in the Book of Job, the first written revelation given to mankind. As such, it can act as a transition between God’s celestial Word about the Messiah and the written Word. God explained to Job the great story in the heavens–the story of the coming Messiah as told in the twelve signs of the zodiac. This story is “The Great Conflict” between good and evil, and the basis of all stories ever since.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 71

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Click here to read PSALM 71 in poetic form


The Exodus book in Psalms is composed of Psalms 61-72 and shows the Messiah’s great atoning work. Psalm 71 is praise for God’s help in promising to send the Messiah as redeemer.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 70

Me and Olympic Marathoner Frank Joiner, my helper at the Columbus (Ohio) Marathon

Click here to read PSALM 70 in poetic form.


The Exodus book in Psalms is composed of Psalms 61-72 and shows the Messiah’s great atoning work. Psalm 70 is a plea for God’s help in times of trouble.

God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: God’s Power and Greatness in Job 38:1-30


We have seen that Job endured many attacks and held fast to his integrity before God. After Job remained faithful to his Creator, God gave him great understanding about the promised mediator and redeemer, the Messiah.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 69

cast lots

Click here to read PSALM 69 in poetic form.


Psalms 61-72 complete the Exodus book in Psalms and show the Messiah’s great atoning work. Psalm 69 is filled with scriptures that are quoted in the gospels about Christ’s final hours, death upon the cross, and events following.

Trail Truth

Trail Truth 3—What I Learned


After 9 days of going up and down mountains, I’ve returned to my life in California. Probably avoiding poison ivy is the biggest reason why. Although I admit I do enjoy not having 40 pounds on my back 10-12 hours a day.

I miss being with Rich, and it was odd coming home last night from LAX. The house seemed so different. Even being at the airport with so many people and nothing “green” was odd. But I did meet some nice people and even got to pray in Spanish with a woman heading to Puerto Rico. So, life goes on.

God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: An Overview of Job 4:1–41:34


We have seen in “God’s Celestial Word: The Book of Job” that the Book of Job was the first written revelation given to mankind. We also saw a structure for the entire Book of Job to help us understand what the story of Job is all about. We are narrowing in on a section of this book where God tells Job about His Word written in the heavens. The subject of the Word is the Messiah, Jesus Christ.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 68

Click here to read PSALM 68 in poetic form.


Psalms 61-72 complete the Exodus book in Psalms and show the Messiah’s great atoning work. Psalm 68 gives the solution to problems raised in Psalms 61-67. It is a longer Psalm than the previous seven Psalms and unites them by showing the redeeming work of the Messiah.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 67

Click here to read PSALM 67 in poetic form.


Psalms 61-72 complete the Exodus book in Psalms and show the Messiah’s great atoning work. Psalm 67 gives praise to God among all nations for His deliverance in troublous times.