Health & Healing

Communion: Forgiveness and Healing

Wine and bread

During this time of year, many people think back on Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. They are reminded of his last supper and how he instituted “holy communion” as a memorial of what he would accomplish.

Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: Isaac and Rebekah – A Walk with God

isaac rebekah 1

In Genesis Adam and Eve forgave one another, Noah and his wife faithfully obeyed God’s command to save life on the earth, and Abraham and Sarah believed God’s promise to have a son in whom all nations would be blessed. Here we will learn from another married couple, Isaac and Rebekah, and their walk with God when faced with challenging situations.

God's Power

Failures for Christ: From Failure to Victory

failure to victory

We all face hardship and failure in this life. But what really matters? Spiritually, we have Christ in us, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).  What the world may consider failure, is actually great victory!

God's Power

Failures for Christ: New Testament Champions

nt failures

We have seen how Jesus Christ stretched himself out in prayer and love. He studied the Old Testament to see that God wrought deliverance when  His people seemed to be failures. He knew that his heavenly Father would give him the victory, despite the worldly opinions of men.

God's Power

Failures for Christ: Jesus Learning from the Old Testament

OT failuresIf Jesus Christ could be considered the greatest failure of all time from a worldly viewpoint, he had many examples in the Old Testament that also looked as if they had failed. When faced with doubt and confusion about his own success, Jesus Christ had an immense wealth of scriptures to keep his heart at ease with God’s true perspective.

Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: Abraham and Sarah – Trusting God


When we were dating, and long before we were engaged, Sherry and I talked about having children. It was something we both wanted. We even picked out names for our future kids (I still remember a little list we made). Once we were married for a couple of years, we began to practically anticipate parenthood. But nothing happened. And yes, we knew how to make babies.

Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: Noah and His Wife – Faithful Obedience


Previously we saw that although Adam and Eve were tricked by Satan, they forgave one another, continued together, and believed to have a son named Seth. From Seth came children who carried on the lineage leading to Jesus Christ.

Now we will see the faithful obedience of Noah to carry out all that God commanded so that he could save life upon the earth. Along with his wife, he was able to keep his three sons and their wives alive when all other people died. From Noah’s son, Shem, descended Jesus Christ.

Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: Examples in Genesis – Adam and Eve



Examples We Will Study in This Series

The Book of Genesis sets a foundation to life, including love and marriage. As the Author of His Word, God gives us great examples of men and women who were married. The Bible clearly shows that marriage is for one man and one woman who both love God first. These couples made lots of mistakes, just like we do in our marriages. But they trusted God and He was able to help them overcome the evil and negatives facing them.

This series will show some of the positive benefits to marriage. It will also show how married couples believed to carry out God’s will in their lives, and how that has blessed mankind for centuries.

Marriage & Family

When I Wake Up in the Morning

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When I wake up in the morning
I see the beauty of your face,
When I wake up in the morning
I hear the kindness of your voice,
When I wake up in the morning
I feel the warmth of your soft touch.

And I’m thankful each new morning
For the goodness of His grace,
And I’m thankful each new morning
That in His Word I can rejoice,
And I’m thankful each new morning
That both God and you love me so much.

Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: God, Man, and Woman – A Threefold Cord

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Have you ever tried to use a camera on a single pole? Oops! Most pictures you take will either be of the ground or the sky. How about using a two-legged stand? Not much better is it? There is a reason we use a tripod! It takes three to form a solid, complete base for anything.

Three is definitely the way to go in marriage. With God at the center, a man and woman can have all they need to live a full and enriching life together as husband and wife. These three—God, the husband, and the wife—form a complete arrangement for spiritual wholeness and loving support.