Holy Spirit

Guarding Our Souls, Part 3— How to Keep Our Souls

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In Part 1, we learned about our “soul” responsibility to wait upon God and maintain our souls. In Part 2, we saw how God designed our souls to be the connection between our physical and spiritual life. We will see the how of keeping our souls: seeking God first, staying our minds, knowing how much to know, setting our thoughts on things above, and not setting our thoughts on earthly things.

Holy Spirit

Guarding Our Souls, Part 2— the Body-Soul-Spirit Connection

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In Part 1, we learned about our “soul” responsibility to wait upon God and maintain our souls. Now let’s see how God designed our souls to be the connection between our physical and spiritual life. We can receive information in our souls from either our body (five-senses input) or our spirit (God’s gift in us).

Holy Spirit

Guarding Our Souls, Part 1—Turn off Your Phone

guard soul 1
My 2nd Grade Class

As I was walking home from teaching at the high school yesterday, I noticed some students staring at their cell phones. I looked up at the bright blue sky punctuated with fleecy white clouds and decided to live “in the moment.”


Believers Who Teach Us God’s Word


Believers Who Teach Us God’s Word

There are none just quite like them,
When you hear them, you’ll know what’s occurred,
For there’s fire and love and kindness,
In believers who teach us God’s Word.

God's Power

Is God in Control? Part 3


Jesus Christ Gets Back Man’s Dominion

In Part 2 we went to the Bible and learned about God’s authority on earth as in heaven, Jesus’ purpose of overcoming the Devil, who the god of this world is, how Lucifer became the Devil, how Lucifer got dominion in the earth, how Satan attacked Job—and God’s deliverance when Job sought His help.

God's Power

Is God in Control? Part 2

Mt Hermon

Who Is the God of This World?

God as Creator is Lord over His creation, the heavens and the earth. Part 1 of this series showed that 1) God created the heavens and the earth and all living things in them, 2) He set everything in its course within the natural confines of time and space, and 3) He created man in His own spiritual image, giving him dominion over His creation.

Holy Spirit

Live for God

Live for God

Open your heart to God above
And don’t ever look back or be condemned.
You’re now His son, so bask in love.
Get up and move and live for Him!


Moving Ahead

Catalina Bay

Moving Ahead

They say that the times are too heavy—
They’ll fill you with fear and with dread,
To enlist in their negative levy,
Don’t listen—keep moving ahead.


Failures for Christ: Stretching Out in Prayer and Love

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A few days ago I climbed a very steep trail, a narrow dirt path filled with rocky outcrops and littered with slippery stones. As I reached the summit, I was rewarded with a magnificent panorama of the ocean and the beautifully sunlit California coast.

Jesus Christ

Jesus in the Gospel of John, Part 3: Loving the Father

Tasha and apple

It was never difficult for me to love my Dad. Since I can remember, he and my Mom loved me and provided everything that I needed.