
What Really Matters

Please read this last chapter from James’ letter all the way through. It is from the Lamsa translation of the Aramaic and has good insight for our lives.

God's Love

Loving God’s Way

Just before God graciously helped the children of Israel reach the promised land, he gave Moses amazing truth. This revelation included one of the key areas that we, even today, can grow in–God’s love. We find 16 references to God’s love. Biblically, the number 8 shows a new beginning and the number 2 establishes a thing. Here in Deuteronomy, love [8 x 2] establishes a new beginning for those believers. Let’s look at the 16 places where the English word “love” is used in the King James Version of Deuteronomy to see what we can learn about God’s love then, and how God’s love can help us live His promises today.

Health & Healing

Spiritual Truth is Greater than Physical Laws

It’s not polite to say “Shut up,” but sometimes it is necessary when dealing with your mind. After being programmed and sensitized to worldly thinking, God’s Word offers a refreshing alternative—the truth.

Health & Healing

Dunamis: Healing Power in Christ

Sherry and I have been thinking a lot about healing lately. Several friends and family have a need for restored health and to overcome physical attacks. We too, are faced with such challenges as we grow older. What is God’s solution to these important needs?

God's Peace

Chillin’ Beats the Villain

Today I learned a great lesson. My posture has been getting worse over the past few years because I allow my head to hang forward. A physical therapist said our heads weight 10 to 14 pounds (the same weight as a bowling ball). For every inch we lean forward, we are putting 10 pounds of pressure on our neck muscles. It’s taking work, but I’m keeping my head centered on my body and am immediately seeing less pain, better breathing, and I’m standing taller. It’s nice to get rid of this literal “pain in the neck.”


Obeying Jesus Christ

Sometimes I’ve argued with God. That’s because I hear my own words instead of His words about what He’s done for me through Jesus Christ. As a local teacher, I often tell my elementary school students that they need to do three things: listen, remember, and obey. I say, “If you don’t listen to me will you hear what I want you to do?” They always say “No.” Then I ask, “If you don’t remember what you heard, can you obey?” This takes a little longer for a response, but they usually come up with another “No.” Then I finally ask, “If you’ve listened to me, and remembered what I said—but you don’t want to do it, will you obey?” They realize that they won’t obey unless they decide to.

God's Word


One reason there is division and misunderstanding in the church is that some Bible readers do not understand scope. God calls Himself the Holy Spirit, and He spoke by His spirit that He gave to the prophets so they could write the scriptures (II Peter 1:20,21). This included the Apostle Paul (II Peter 3:15,16). If, over thousands of years, our Father gave His Word to people to make up the Bible, then it all must agree within itself. And it does.


A Speck of Truth

This morning I mowed our front and back lawn. I’ve been mowing yards since it was my first job at the age of 10 (when I could hand over a quarter and fill my gas can). I’ve always enjoyed so much about this kind of work: figuring out how to geometrically divide the lawn around bushes and buildings to use my time most efficiently, the smell of freshly mown grass, and the “think time.”

Jesus Christ

The Sun and the Son

I’ve always loved being in the sun. Growing up in rural Missouri, summers were full of sun-filled fields and forests, bright with flowers. Living in Australia and California, the sunrises and sunsets near the ocean filled me with strength and peace. God invented the sun to show us that each new day starts fresh with His blessings. And the greatest blessing of all time, is that God so loved us that He sent His only Son to redeem and save us. We have eternal life through Jesus Christ, God’s son.

Health & Healing

Simple Survey

Today, polls and surveys are used to gauge public opinion and define necessary action. Here’s a simple survey question: “Which is more important, physical health or mental health?” Obviously, both are important, and they affect each other. How would you answer the question? Jesus had a pretty good answer.