When Paul wrote to the Philippian church, he was in prison in Rome, Italy. They weren’t that far away by modern standards (northern Greece), but Paul longed to be with them. His life was on the line, depending on how Caesar judged his case. He wanted to be released from prison and visit them, but he wasn’t sure at that time what would happen. Look at Paul’s attitude (all scriptures are from The New Testament in Modern English by J. B. Phillips).
Psalm 145 is in the Deuteronomy Book of the Psalms (Psalms 107-150). These 44 Psalms, like the Book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament, show God’s Word as the source of salvation, deliverance, and healing. This would be fully carried out in the life of the coming Messiah, the living Word, Jesus Christ. Psalm 145 is the only Psalm with the title “David’s Psalm of Praise.” This is David’s Psalm of great praise for the Lord, Who will keep His promise and send the Messiah to rule over all. This Psalm sets the foundation for the final five Psalms and their praise to the Lord.
Psalm 144 is in the Deuteronomy Book of the Psalms (Psalms 107-150). These 44 Psalms, like the Book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament, show God’s Word as the source of salvation, deliverance, and healing. This would be fully carried out in the life of the coming Messiah, the living Word, Jesus Christ. Psalm 144 shows God’s great blessings upon David, and David’s son, the Messiah. Whereas the sons of Adam are vain, God brings salvation and deliverance from the “strange children” who speak vanity and do falsely.
Jesus Christ was the greatest leader who ever lived. He watched over others as the good shepherd. He ran to serve and minister, even washing his disciples’ feet. And he grew and matured in God’s Word, love, and power because of his meek and lowly heart. He set the example of what a bishop (one watching over), deacon (minister, servant), and elder (mature leader) should be.
Psalm 143 is in the Deuteronomy Book of the Psalms (Psalms 107-150). These 44 Psalms, like the Book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament, show God’s Word as the source of salvation, deliverance, and healing. This would be fully carried out in the life of the coming Messiah, the living Word, Jesus Christ. Psalm 143 shows the Messiah’s cry to the Lord for help from those who overwhelm and seek to kill him. The Messiah remembers the Lord’s past goodness and knows that He will cut off those who afflict his soul.