We most recently witnessed Jesus raising up a young man from the dead! Following this, word about Jesus spread throughout all Judea and even further.
Of course, we remember the great Sermon on the Mount. It was Jesus’ first teaching recorded in the gospels. We arrive this time in a plain, having just descended from the mountain following Jesus and his newly appointed twelve apostles. Once there, we join with a crowd of his disciples and a great multitude from all around.
Let’s take up from where we left off last time with the Pharisees’ reaction to Jesus healing the man with the withered hand.
Matthew 12:14; Mark 3:6; Luke 6:10 (Matthew and Mark) [NKJV]
Then the Pharisees went out, and immediately plotted with the Herodians against Him. But they were filled with rage, and discussed with one another what they might do to Jesus, how they might destroy Him.