Body of Christ

Brothers and Sisters in the Lord

The epistle of I Thessalonians is thought to be the first letter Paul ever wrote to a Christian church. It followed his visit to them, as recorded in Acts 17:1-9. It was not an easy time, but Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy gave their all to help these new believers to the faith. The hope of Christ’s return and our gathering together unto him fills this epistle.

Body of Christ

What I Don’t Do

Many Christians are concerned about what they do in life. That is reasonable. But I’m learning how important it is to “not do” things. Some people like to talk about sins—of commission and omission. In other words, the mistakes we make from what we do or don’t do. Our actions proceed from our hearts. What did Jesus say about this?

Body of Christ


We believe that CRT is important for every person to learn: Caring Reaching Tenderness. It can also stand for Choosing Righteous Talk. And even, Christ Redeems Today!

Body of Christ

The Cowgirl’s New Home

There once was a cowgirl, who lived life by this world,
She needed to know her good Lord,
She cried out for freedom—grace and mercy,
She’d need ‘em—to stand with His love in accord.

Body of Christ

Whose Side Are You On?

Hugging For PeaceLife is a choice—sometimes with pretty stiff consequences.

Deuteronomy 30:19:
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.

How did things get to be so “life and death” around us? Someone made the wrong choice a long time ago.

Body of Christ

Ephesians—In the Lord

GU Baby Shower

Two days ago I talked to my Mom on Mother’s Day, and it was a real treat. She is 92, living at home on her own, and loving God and praying for our family. And I got to spend Mother’s Day with Sherry.

Body of Christ

Persevering in the Important Things

DA Garden Apple 1

There are things that I do every day. Some I don’t have to think about, like breathing or having my heart beat or digesting my food. Others take planning, like stretching in the morning with Sherry or brushing and flossing my teeth each night or calling my Mom on the phone. God’s Word shows five important things to do regularly: pray, study, fellowship, give to others, and share God’s Word.

Body of Christ

True Diversity and Unity

diversity blog

There is a modern civil war in America between those who carry the banner of “diversity” and those who seek unity for the nation. What does God think about all of this? The Bible gives a clear answer.

Body of Christ

Understanding the Scriptures: Can Women Teach in the Church?


Recently a young woman asked about two scripture verses. She was concerned that they did not fit with other truths in God’s Word, or with life. When that seems to happen, it’s good to take a closer look at what the Word really says.

Body of Christ

Do, Love, Walk


Timmy, Leonard, Ronnie, Frank, Don, and Steve were looking in other parts of the cave. We wanted to build a fire and needed sticks. I saw a good-sized one in a dark corner and bent down to get it. For some reason, I stopped and waited. Then it moved.