God's Love

A Little Gold Is Better Than a Lot of Stubble


Have you ever been in a boat against such strong wind that after hours of rowing with all your might—you are even farther away from your desired destination than when you started? That is how many people live, especially the really religious ones.

God's Love

A Life of Giving God’s Love

rocksJesus Christ died for us while we were still sinners.  He loved the unlovable.  We weren’t even “good.”  We were unlovable—at least from a human point of view.  But Jesus Christ was able to take on his mission, his calling, to die for us because he lived with his Father’s love.

God's Love

Thinking of Ourselves as God Sees Us

Elijah & Daniel S

Jesus Christ was maligned and criticized more than any man—but he always remembered who God made him to be. At times, when the Devil tries to accuse and condemn us, it’s good to remember who God made us to be and what He thinks of us.

God's Love

God Hears Us

The Father hears us

Ever talk to a spouse, friend, student, or coworker, and they haven’t heard a word you said. I’ve learned it pays to get people’s attention before I launch into what I want them to hear. God always pays attention to what we say.

God's Love

Tasting God’s Goodness and Kindness


It’s funny, but at some of the more challenging times in my life, ice cream has helped me. When I had a severe case of the measles, my Mom tenderly cared for me and gave me medicine with a nice bowl of vanilla ice cream.

God's Love

Living Love Letters


Are you a living love letter? If so, then don’t let the scribbles of the world interfere with the wonderful message of God’s love in Christ in your life! Read on….

God's Love

God’s Love for the Individual



I remember spending countless hours in front of the mirror during my teen years. To me, so much of my life depended on my current hair style, the clothes I wore, or the state of my acne. I was constantly worried about what other people, especially my “friends,” thought of me. And the whole basis for my self-evaluation was my outward appearance.

Pix Gene 4 (6)I also remember during that time trying to know more about God. Books on Zen Buddhism and other Eastern thought were popular in the early 1970s. I vividly recall sitting in the rocking chair in our basement wondering about my destiny. I even tried to read our Jerusalem Bible, but gave up in the genealogies at the beginning of Genesis. I deeply worried about my future. I was taught that if I committed even one mortal sin before death, I was doomed to a fiery eternity in hell. I did not know the Creator as a personal Father. I did not realize how much He knew about me!

God's Love

Life Lesson #3

Tasha and appleLife Lesson #3: God’s love is what gives me the strength to love myself and others. Over time, responsibilities in life can pile up. The free time once available to take care of personal needs can grow sparse. But even when the pressure is on, God’s people still have needs and God will take care of me as I minister to His chosen.

God's Love

God, Our Source of All

God source of all 2

I remember as a young child wanting to give my Dad and Mom something for their birthdays or at the holidays. I wanted to express my love  in thankfulness for them being such good parents. Often, since I had no money of my own, they would give me what I needed to buy them a present. They appreciated my heart to give back for all they had done for me.

God's Love

Lowly Heart, Highly Graced

lowly blog

Have you ever met a “self-made” person? I haven’t. Without God, people wouldn’t even have a physical body or be alive. But today it’s all about self-improvement and self-sufficiency and self-help and “selfies.”