God's Grace Health & Healing

Thanksgiving for Life

This has been a very interesting Thanksgiving. Yesterday, as I often do on November 22, I thought back to the day JFK was killed, now sixty years ago. It had a huge impact on our family, and the nuns at our school were deeply hurt at the first Catholic president dying in his relative youth. Life is very precious.

God's Grace

Staying Humble in a Pride-filled World

Jesus was the humblest man who ever lived. He always did what his Father wanted. He put others ahead of himself. He could have claimed all his authority as God’s Son and the chosen Messiah to flaunt his power and make a grand show in the world. But God did not call him to do that. Nor has he called us to be egotistical. We are not self-centered, but God-centered. And therefore, like our Lord and Savior, we are service minded.

God's Grace

God’s Work, Our Works

Some people like to “put the cart before the horse.” At times, I’m one of them. But I’ve been learning that things don’t pull well that way. God’s way is always best.