We have great memories of praying for our son to be born. And now we’re praying as his son will be born in a few days. Here is a 40-week guide about pregnancy with related scriptures. There is also some interesting information about how a baby develops. God is faithful to help us, and He gives us the desires of our hearts.
Category: Health & Healing
God’s will regarding health and healing including Biblical and practical examples.
The Worth of a Soul
Sherry and I read the Bible before we go to bed. One night this week we read Mark, chapter 5. The gospel of Mark shows Jesus as a servant. He gives his all to save each individual he meets. The price of a soul is beyond earthly value.
My Better Half
I’ve learned over the years to listen to my wife. Sherry is what Proverbs 31 calls a virtuous woman, and that includes her being filled with wisdom. After completing a full marathon last year, I was thinking of doing it again. But Sherry recommended I cut back a little. The upside is that I didn’t have to run up to the top of a small mountain and could stay pretty level. Today I enjoyed—really enjoyed—running the Coeur D’Alene Half Marathon. The weather was perfect, the view along the lake was reminiscent of visiting the Sea of Galilee, and there were plenty of wonderful people to meet and encourage along the run.
About My Healing
I was recently delivered from the hand of my enemy, the Devil, and I would like to tell you about it.
Thanksgiving for Life
This has been a very interesting Thanksgiving. Yesterday, as I often do on November 22, I thought back to the day JFK was killed, now sixty years ago. It had a huge impact on our family, and the nuns at our school were deeply hurt at the first Catholic president dying in his relative youth. Life is very precious.
It’s not polite to say “Shut up,” but sometimes it is necessary when dealing with your mind. After being programmed and sensitized to worldly thinking, God’s Word offers a refreshing alternative—the truth.
Dunamis: Healing Power in Christ
Sherry and I have been thinking a lot about healing lately. Several friends and family have a need for restored health and to overcome physical attacks. We too, are faced with such challenges as we grow older. What is God’s solution to these important needs?
Simple Survey
Today, polls and surveys are used to gauge public opinion and define necessary action. Here’s a simple survey question: “Which is more important, physical health or mental health?” Obviously, both are important, and they affect each other. How would you answer the question? Jesus had a pretty good answer.
The Sun of Righteousness
The Sun of Righteousness
O soul in this life with temptations you’re dealing,
The devil is killing, destroying, and stealing.
Let not your heart faint for in Christ we are free,
He’s given us life, the salvation we need.
Rejoice, O rejoice, blessed Lord brings us peace,
Our cares and misfortunes must fade fast and cease.
For Christ is the light of a bright breaking day,
The sun that is righteous with healing warm ray.
Perhaps with dark words in your mind you are dealing,
You can’t shake the dread and despair you are feeling.
Remember that God sent His Son for your health,
Embrace and enjoy all his saving true wealth.
Rejoice, O rejoice, blessed Lord brings us peace,
Our cares and misfortunes must fade fast and cease.
For Christ is the light of a bright breaking day,
The sun that is righteous with healing warm ray.
God’s truth in the scriptures are for us revealing,
That Christ our Passover brings goodness and healing.
Remember his body was broken for you,
And sinless, his blood brings forgiveness anew.
Rejoice, O rejoice, blessed Lord brings us peace,
Our cares and misfortunes must fade fast and cease.
For Christ is the light of a bright breaking day,
The sun that is righteous with healing warm ray.
Do negative thoughts to your mind keep appealing,
Your fate turning dark and your doom ever sealing?
Don’t listen to Satan, the father of lies.
Christ gives you victory, open your eyes!
Rejoice, O rejoice, blessed Lord brings us peace,
Our cares and misfortunes must fade fast and cease.
For Christ is the light of a bright breaking day,
The sun that is righteous with healing warm ray.
O lift your eyes high beyond earth’s azure ceiling,
And offer up worship as now you are kneeling.
To God our dear Father Who gave us His Son.
Fret not, but rejoice, in Christ all has been done.
Rejoice, O rejoice, blessed Lord brings us peace,
Our cares and misfortunes must fade fast and cease.
For Christ is the light of a bright breaking day,
The sun that is righteous with healing warm ray.
“But unto you that fear [respect] my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings [rays]….”
–Malachi 4:2
Beating Covid—More Details
There are a lot of ways people say Covid can be beaten. Trusting God is the key. Here are a few lines from Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss that may be helpful.