
Little Did They Know

Little Did They Know

Little did they know—the word had been made flesh.
Little did they recognize—God’s love, Christ’s selflessness.
Little did they understand—the spirit He would send.
Little did they see the joy—that Calv’ry’s cross would win.

Yet Jesus was the word made flesh, the fulness of God’s grace.
The Father’s love poured out to men, His servant in disgrace.
The promised comforter did come, and now it’s Christ within.
The grave and death are overcome, eternal life we win.

Now we are to daily know—and walk by Spirit’s call.
Now we are to recognize—why Christ gave us his all.
Now we are to understand—and with all saints enjoy,
The wonders of His joy and peace—to be God’s girl or boy.


My Mother

I have the blessing to talk with my Mom often during the week. She has been a faithful friend and wise counselor all my life. And her prayers are close to God’s heart. Here’s a poem for Ruth Cecilia Slavit.


All Blogs [about 500] by Topic

The following chart includes all blogs by category as of January 23,2025. Titles are links to the actual blog on line.

Category (Topic) Title Date Author
Body of Christ Branded by God: Part 1 4/17/17 Sherry Slavit
Body of Christ Branded by God: Part 2 4/13/17 Sherry Slavit
Body of Christ Brothers and Sisters in the Lord 7/14/24 Gene Slavit
Body of Christ CRT 6/30/21 Gene Slavit
Body of Christ Ephesians–In the Lord 5/12/20 Gene Slavit
Body of Christ One Body in Christ: Growing Up Together 7/9/17 Sherry Slavit
Body of Christ The Cowgirl’s New Home 9/9/20 Gene Slavit
Body of Christ The Fight of Your Life 6/8/17 Sherry Slavit
Body of Christ The Local Church in the Book of Acts: A Pattern for Us Today 3/22/17 Gene Slavit
Body of Christ What I Don’t Do 2/13/23 Gene Slavit
Body of Christ Whose Side Are You On? 6/2/20 Gene Slavit
Family Mothers in the Lord 5/14/17 Gene Slavit
Family Our Grand Midwest Tour: Generation to Generation 2/13/19 Sherry Slavit
Family Our Spiritual Heritage 10/8/19 Sherry Slavit
Family We Have the Best Father Ever 6/17/17 Gene Slavit
Fellowship All for One and One for All 6/26/19 Gene Slavit
Fellowship Branded by God: Part 3 4/21/17 Sherry Slavit
Fellowship Can Two Walk Together Except They Be Agreed? 5/12/17 Elijah Slavit
Fellowship Everyday Is a Holiday! 12/22/17 Gene Slavit
Fellowship Forsake Worldly Distractions, Focus on the Father 10/26/21 Gene Slavit
Fellowship Go to Church? 4/18/21 Gene Slavit
Fellowship Growing Up Together 3/17/22 Gene Slavit
Fellowship Happy Teaching! 5/12/21 Gene Slavit
Fellowship Missing the Boat 7/17/23 Gene Slavit
Fellowship Obeying Jesus Christ 7/21/22 Gene Slavit
Fellowship Our Daily Choice 10/1/22 Gene Slavit
Fellowship Our Grand Midwest Tour: Celebrate! 3/8/19 Sherry Slavit
Fellowship Our Grand Midwest Tour: Hospitality 1/15/19 Gene Slavit
Fellowship Our Grand Midwest Tour: Joy 12/27/18 Sherry Slavit
Fellowship Politics, Masks, and Global Warming 8/3/23 Gene Slavit
Fellowship Sit, Walk, Stand 8/13/20 Gene Slavit
Fellowship Superbowl Scriptures 1/31/18 Gene Slavit
Fellowship That’s the Time We Should Be Humble (Poem) 6/11/23 Gene Slavit
Fellowship What Really Matters 9/16/22 Gene Slavit
Forgiveness A Speck of Truth 7/12/22 Gene Slavit
Forgiveness Casting out and Casting on 8/16/24 Gene Slavit
Forgiveness Forgiveness: Part 1 5/19/17 Sherry Slavit
Forgiveness Forgiveness: Part 2 5/26/17 Sherry Slavit
Fruit of the Spirit Bringing Forth Fruit 5/1/17 Gene Slavit
Fruit of the Spirit Love*Live*Life*Lift*Light 3/16/17 Gene Slavit
Fruit of the Spirit Our Joy in Christ 8/23/19 Gene Slavit
Giving Giving in the Church Today 8/26/17 Gene Slavit
Giving Holding On and Letting God 10/14/23 Gene Slavit
Giving Holiday Giving with Simplicity 12/21/17 Gene Slavit
Giving Our Grand Midwest Tour: Prosperity 11/30/18 Sherry Slavit
Giving Purposeful Giving, Part 1 6/16/17 Sherry Slavit
Giving Purposeful Giving, Part 2 6/23/17 Sherry Slavit
Giving Purposeful Giving, Part 3 7/1/17 Sherry Slavit
Giving Serving the Bread of Life 1/29/19 Gene Slavit
God’s Celestial Word God’s Celestial Word: All 48 Constellations 7/17/20 Gene Slavit
God’s Celestial Word God’s Celestial Word: An Overview of Job 4:1–41:34 6/20/20 Gene Slavit
God’s Celestial Word God’s Celestial Word: Celestial, Written, and Living 6/8/20 Gene Slavit
God’s Celestial Word God’s Celestial Word: For Seasons 8/25/20 Gene Slavit
God’s Celestial Word God’s Celestial Word: For Signs 8/19/20 Gene Slavit
God’s Celestial Word God’s Celestial Word: God’s Power and Greatness in Job 38:1-30 6/29/20 Gene Slavit
God’s Celestial Word God’s Celestial Word: Messiah versus the Serpent, The Great Conflict 7/9/20 Gene Slavit
God’s Celestial Word God’s Celestial Word: Myth vs. Truth 9/6/20 Gene Slavit
God’s Celestial Word God’s Celestial Word: The Adversary’s Devices and Kingdom in Job 40:1–41:34 8/8/20 Gene Slavit
God’s Celestial Word God’s Celestial Word: The Book of Job 6/12/20 Gene Slavit
God’s Celestial Word God’s Celestial Word: The Story Told 7/23/20 Gene Slavit
God’s Celestial Word God’s Celestial Word: The Zodiac in Job 38:31–39:30 7/28/20 Gene Slavit
God’s Grace God’s Work, Our Works 10/22/22 Gene Slavit
God’s Grace Staying Humble in a Pride-filled World 6/19/23 Gene Slavit
God’s Grace Thanksgiving for Life 11/23/23 Gene Slavit
God’s Love All-grateful for the Past, Appreciate the Present, Anticipate the Future 1/15/22 Gene Slavit
God’s Love God Hears Us 5/25/19 Gene Slavit
God’s Love God’s Graciousness to Us 10/27/22 Gene Slavit
God’s Love God’s Love Through the Ages 11/7/21 Gene Slavit
God’s Love God’s Orders 11/28/24 Gene Slavit
God’s Love God’s Unlimited Goodness 5/30/17 Gene Slavit
God’s Love How Much Are You Worth? 9/5/17 Sherry Slavit
God’s Love In Love 4/11/17 Gene Slavit
God’s Love Life Lesson #3 1/24/19 Elijah Slavit
God’s Love Loving God’s Way 9/2/22 Gene Slavit
God’s Love More Than We Know 11/4/24 Gene Slavit
God’s Love Security, Sustenance, and Enjoyment: God or the Devil? 3/3/21 Gene Slavit
God’s Love True Love 2/16/22 Gene Slavit
God’s Nature God, Our Source of All 11/12/18 Gene Slavit
God’s Nature God: The Father of Mercy, Glory, Spiritual Ability, and Light 6/17/18 Gene Slavit
God’s Nature God’s Refreshing Blessings 9/17/19 Sherry Slavit
God’s Nature Is God in Control? Part 1 10/27/17 Sherry Slavit
God’s Nature Our Father’s Loving Design: Part 1, His Goodness Around Us 8/2/19 Gene Slavit
God’s Nature Our Father’s Loving Design: Part 2, Genesis 1 and True Science 8/3/19 Gene Slavit
God’s Nature Our Father’s Loving Design: Part 3, Foundational Principles 8/5/19 Gene Slavit
God’s Nature Our Grand Midwest Tour: Grace 4/24/19 Sherry Slavit
God’s Nature Tasting God’s Goodness and Kindness 5/19/19 Gene Slavit
God’s Nature The Bees in the Rosemary 12/24/17 Gene Slavit
God’s Nature The Heavens Declare the Glory of God 2/3/18 Sherry Slavit
God’s Peace Access and Peace 5/22/17 Gene Slavit
God’s Peace Chillin’ Beats the Villain 8/13/22 Gene Slavit
God’s Peace God’s Glorious Spirit Gives Us Rest 11/15/24 Gene Slavit
God’s Peace God’s Power and Peace 12/4/18 Gene Slavit
God’s Peace Let Your Heart Be Untroubled, and Be of Good Cheer! (Poem) 6/26/23 Gene Slavit
God’s Peace Perfect Peace 6/28/19 Sherry Slavit
God’s Peace Rest and Peace through Jesus Christ, Part 1: Christ the Foundation 9/7/19 Gene Slavit
God’s Peace Rest and Peace through Jesus Christ, Part 2: Walking in Love 9/9/19 Gene Slavit
God’s Peace The Perfection of God’s Peace 5/12/19 Gene Slavit
God’s Power Eye of the Storm 1/13/21 Gene Slavit
God’s Power Glorify God Through Christ 11/11/20 Gene Slavit
God’s Power God Is God 3/30/19 Gene Slavit
God’s Power God Will Fight for Us 1/16/21 Gene Slavit
God’s Power Light and Darkness 5/4/23 Gene Slavit
God’s Power Moonset in PV 6/22/24 Gene Slavit
God’s Power Our “Mighty Powerful” God 9/21/19 Gene Slavit
God’s Power Power in His Name 1/13/24 Gene Slavit
God’s Power The Darker the Night… 1/7/21 Gene Slavit
God’s Power The Throne Behind the Power 12/5/20 Gene Slavit
God’s Power Whose Direction? What Destination? 2/12/21 Gene Slavit
God’s Word Baptism 3/17/20 Gene Slavit
God’s Word Bearing Seed 7/12/23 Gene Slavit
God’s Word It Doesn’t Change What’s True 7/1/24 Gene Slavit
God’s Word Modern Church Myths 4/28/19 Gene Slavit
God’s Word Risen and Fallen 4/28/24 Gene Slavit
God’s Word Scope 7/17/22 Gene Slavit
God’s Word Trilogy of Truth (Poems) 1/25/23 Gene Slavit
God’s Word True Diversity and Unity 9/14/19 Gene Slavit
God’s Word We Can Trust God’s Word, Part 1 11/24/17 Gene Slavit
God’s Word We Can Trust God’s Word, Part 2 11/26/17 Gene Slavit
God’s Word What Ever Happened to Christian Holidays? 10/30/19 Gene Slavit
God’s Word, You and God Life Lesson #2 1/20/19 Elijah Slavit
Government America 5/19/18 Gene Slavit
Government Faces on a Cliff 7/30/24 Gene Slavit
Government God and Government 7/2/18 Sherry Slavit
Government Government for the People 7/4/18 Slavits
Government Government of the People, and Government by the People 7/3/18 Slavits
Government Independence Day Thoughts from a Friend 7/6/21 Gene Slavit
Government Stand Up for America 8/2/20 Gene Slavit
Government This Is a Day to Remember 5/19/18 Gene Slavit
Government True Answers for Today 10/31/22 Gene Slavit
Health & Healing About My Healing 12/25/23 Gene Slavit
Health & Healing Beating Covid–More Details 11/30/20 Gene Slavit
Health & Healing Blue Mountain Learning 1/29/18 Gene Slavit
Health & Healing CDA (Christ Does it Again) Marathon 5/28/23 Gene Slavit
Health & Healing Communion: Forgiveness and Healing 3/29/18 Gene Slavit
Health & Healing Dunamis: Healing Power in Christ 8/15/22 Gene Slavit
Health & Healing Enjoy the Rest! 9/27/20 Gene Slavit
Health & Healing My Better Half 5/26/24 Gene Slavit
Health & Healing Simple Survey 6/30/22 Gene Slavit
Health & Healing Six Doctors 1/13/18 Gene Slavit
Health & Healing Spiritual Truth is Greater than Physical Laws 8/26/22 Gene Slavit
Health & Healing The Hawk and Covid-19 5/2/20 Gene Slavit
Health & Healing The Sun of Righteousness (Poem) 6/27/22 Gene Slavit
Health & Healing The Worth of a Soul 6/1/24 Gene Slavit
Health & Healing Words and Healing 10/1/18 Gene Slavit
Hebrews Jesus Christ in the Epistle to Judean Christians (Hebrews) Part 1–Background and Structure 6/10/22 Gene Slavit
Hebrews Jesus Christ in the Epistle to Judean Christians (Hebrews) Part 2–The Son Brings Rest 6/11/22 Gene Slavit
Hebrews Jesus Christ in the Epistle to Judean Christians (Hebrews) Part 3–The High Priest Brings a New Testament 6/12/22 Gene Slavit
Hebrews Jesus Christ in the Epistle to Judean Christians (Hebrews) Part 4–The Perfect Sacrifice Brings Faith 6/19/22 Gene Slavit
Hebrews Jesus Christ in the Epistle to Judean Christians (Hebrews) Part 5–The Seated Lord Brings Hope in Life 6/26/22 Gene Slavit
Holy Spirit Anointed with God’s Power 6/29/23 Gene Slavit
Holy Spirit Fear Not; Shine Forth 4/30/23 Gene Slavit
Holy Spirit Filled with the Holy Spirit 6/16/23 Gene Slavit
Holy Spirit Fired Up  for God 5/20/18 Gene Slavit
Holy Spirit Giving Our All 8/2/21 Gene Slavit
Holy Spirit Our God, the Fountain of Living Waters 11/2/19 Sherry Slavit
Holy Spirit The Father Sent His Son so We Can Have Holy Spirit, Part 1 1/15/18 Gene Slavit
Holy Spirit The Father Sent His Son so We Can Have Holy Spirit, Part 2 2/8/18 Gene Slavit
Holy Spirit The Father Sent His Son so We Can Have Holy Spirit, Part 3 2/9/18 Gene Slavit
Hope A Little Gold Is Better Than a Lot of Stubble 11/10/19 Gene Slavit
Hope Asleep in Christ (Part 1) 6/25/18 Gene Slavit
Hope Asleep in Christ (Part 2): When Do They Get Up? 7/1/18 Gene Slavit
Hope Beating Covid 11/29/20 Gene Slavit
Hope Believing and Hope in Hebrews 11 and 12 10/13/18 Gene Slavit
Hope Next Thought 7/6/19 Gene Slavit
Hope Our Grand Midwest Tour: Home 5/8/19 Sherry Slavit
Hope Our Grand Midwest Tour: Hope 10/16/18 Sherry Slavit
Hope Strong to the End 7/14/24 Gene Slavit
Hope Time to Get Up! 5/20/20 Gene Slavit
Hope What Counts 11/24/22 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ A Life of Giving God’s Love 10/24/19 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Christ is Risen 4/16/17 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #1 The Journey 12/12/19 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #10 The Wedding in Cana 4/13/20 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #11 Passover 4/28/20 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #12 Nicodemus 5/14/20 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #13 He Must Increase 6/3//2020 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #14 A Fountain of Living Water 7/3/20 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #15 Healing the Nobleman’s Son 7/19/20 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #16 Reflection 8/17/20 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #17 The Pool at Bethesda 9/29/20 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #18 Heading Home 10/11/20 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #19 The King and the Kingdom 12/11/20 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #2 Introductions 12/18/19 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #20 Fishers of Men 3/23/21 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #21 Teaching with Authority 6/25/21 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #22 Continuing in Capernaum 7/1/21 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #23 Let Down Your Nets! 7/10/21 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #24 Heralding the Kingdom of God 11/24/21 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #25 Healing of a Leper 2/15/22 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #26 Healing in Capernaum 4/18/22 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #27 The Calling of Matthew 5/24/22 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #28 In the Grainfields on the Sabbath 7/3/22 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #29 Another Healing on a Sabbath 7/21/22 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #3 On Down the Line 12/30/19 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #30 Healing Near the Sea of Galilee 8/18/22 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #31 The Calling of the Twelve Apostles 9/13/22 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #32 The Sermon on the Plain 10/20/22 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #33 A Centurion’s Servant Healed 11/30/22 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #34 God Has Visited His People 1/9/23 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #35 Are You the Coming One? 3/19/23 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #36 The Woman Who Was a Sinner 5/6/23 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #37 Two Spiritual Kingdoms 7/19/23 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #38 The Harvest 11/12/23 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #39 Why Did Jesus Teach in Parables? 8/25/24 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #4 Prophecies 1/13/20 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #5 Growing Up 1/23/20 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #6 2/22/20 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #7 Jesus Christ Baptized 3/18/20 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #8 In the Wilderness 3/25/20 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #9 In the Land Beyond Jordan 4/3/20 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Glad Tidings to ALL People 12/22/18 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ God Saved Us through His Son, Jesus Christ 5/4/19 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ God’s Grace: Five Women in Jesus Christ’s Genealogy 12/24/22 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ God’s Love: Making JC Lord – Part 1, Our Helper 6/11/19 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ God’s Love: Making JC Lord – Part 2, Back to Basics 6/17/19 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ God’s Love: Making JC Lord – Part 3, Knowing Him 6/19/19 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ God’s Love: Making JC Lord – Part 4, Proving It 6/22/19 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Brings Healing for All 5/14/20 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Is Our Passover 3/30/18 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ–What Else is There to Talk About? 12/22/20 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ, the Subject of God’s Word 12/29/17 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ: “I am” in the Gospel of John, Part 1 1/1/20 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ: Prophet, Priest, and King 2/20/19 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ: Yesterday, Today, and Forever–Part 1 9/10/23 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ: Yesterday, Today, and Forever–Part 2 9/16/23 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ: Yesterday, Today, and Forever–Part 3 9/24/23 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ: Yesterday, Today, and Forever–Part 4 9/30/23 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ’s To Do List: Luke 6:20-49 4/30/22 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Jesus in the Gospel of John, Part 1: Bringing Eternal Life as Savior 9/11/17 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Jesus in the Gospel of John, Part 2: Fulfilling the Law and Keeping the Feasts 9/20/17 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Jesus of Nazareth 3/17/19 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Jesus: Son of God, Son of Man, Son of David 12/10/23 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ One Wondrous Night 12/5/18 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Philippians 2:1-11 2/20/21 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Savior, Messiah, and Lord 11/13/22 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Serving the Lord Jesus and Enjoying the Father’s Praise 4/8/23 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Shepherds for the Lord 1/10/23 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ The Disciple “Whom Jesus Loved” 12/10/22 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ The Life of God 4/24/17 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ The Light of Life 3/16/17 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ The Name of Our Lord Jesus 7/24/19 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ The Sermon on the Mount 3/20/21 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ The Sun and the Son 7/9/22 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ The Word Loves the Word 12/24/23 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Truly He Is Risen 4/20/19 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Trusting in God , Not Man (Part 2) 6/12/18 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Understanding Jesus Christ 11/6/19 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Was Jesus in the Beginning? 7/29/19 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ What God Has Prepared for Those Who Love Him 5/22/19 Sherry Slavit
Jesus Christ Who is the Messiah? Part 1: What Did Jesus Say? 3/11/21 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Who is the Messiah? Part 2: What Does the Old Testament Say? 3/11/21 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Who is the Messiah? Part 3: Who Did the Judeans Believe Jesus Was? 3/14/21 Gene Slavit
Jesus Christ Witnesses of Christ 2/16/23 Gene Slavit
Leadership Believers Who Teach Us God’s Word 11/9/17 Gene Slavit
Leadership Confronting Spiritual Leaders 9/5/18 Gene Slavit
Leadership God-Up Leadership, Part 1: The Foundation 8/4/17 Gene Slavit
Leadership God-Up Leadership, Part 2: Beginnings, the Early Church 8/13/17 Gene Slavit
Leadership God-Up Leadership, Part 3: Serving in the Body Today 8/21/17 Gene Slavit
Leadership Leaders in the Church: Bishops, Deacons, and Elders 7/21/21 Gene Slavit
Leadership Personal Responsibility and Group Leadership 6/12/17 Gene Slavit
Leadership Peter: Growing in Commitment 7/27/18 Gene Slavit
Leadership True Service in Jesus Christ 7/22/23 Gene Slavit
Leadership Twenty-five Similarities between Elijah and John the Baptist 2/1/20 Gene Slavit
Leadership Understanding the Scriptures: Can Women Teach in the Church? 7/25/17 Gene Slavit
Marriage A Wedding Poem 2/19/18 Gene Slavit
Marriage God’s Blessings in Pregnancy 1/19/25 Gene Slavit
Marriage Love and Marriage: Abraham and Sarah–Trusting God 3/13/18 Gene Slavit
Marriage Love and Marriage: And Gave Himself for It 8/10/18 Sherry Slavit
Marriage Love and Marriage: As Christ Loved the Church 5/17/18 Sherry Slavit
Marriage Love and Marriage: As Christ Loved Us 4/24/18 Sherry Slavit
Marriage Love and Marriage: Body and Soul 2/18/18 Gene Slavit
Marriage Love and Marriage: Ephesians 5 2/24/18 Sherry Slavit
Marriage Love and Marriage: Examples in Genesis–Adam and Eve 3/3/18 Gene Slavit
Marriage Love and Marriage: God, Man, and Woman–A Threefold Cord 2/28/18 Gene Slavit
Marriage Love and Marriage: God’s Design 2/15/18 Sherry Slavit
Marriage Love and Marriage: Isaac and Rebekah–A Walk with God 3/27/18 Gene Slavit
Marriage Love and Marriage: Jacob and Rachel–Loving Devotion 3/29/18 Gene Slavit
Marriage Love and Marriage: Noah and His Wife–Faithful Obedience 3/9/18 Gene Slavit
Marriage Love and Marriage: Submit 6/3/18 Sherry Slavit
Marriage Love and Respect 12/27/17 Gene Slavit
Marriage Our Children’s Children 7/27/24 Gene Slavit
Marriage Principles of a God-Centered Marriage 7/9/18 Gene Slavit
Marriage When I Wake Up in the Morning 3/3/18 Gene Slavit
One God On the Deity 5/21/23 Gene Slavit
One God The Truth of John 3:16 5/11/23 Gene Slavit
Prayer Bless the Lord, O My Soul! 11/26/19 Sherry Slavit
Prayer Casting ALL Our Care 7/13/23 Gene Slavit
Prayer How to Pray 12/20/21 Gene Slavit
Prayer Pray. Always. 5/4/17 Sherry Slavit
Prayer Prayer 1/4/18 Gene Slavit
Prayer Prayer 9/22/22 Gene Slavit
Prayer What Does Our Father Want? 6/27/17 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 1 11/17/19 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 100 2/5/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 101 2/6/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 102 2/10/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 103 2/18/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 104 2/24/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 105 2/26/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 106 2/28/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 107 3/5/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 108 3/7/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 109 3/11/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 11 12/5/19 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 110 3/21/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 111 3/23/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 112 4/6/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 113 4/7/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 114 4/9/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 115 4/11/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 116 4/15/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 117 4/21/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 118 4/29/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 119 4/29/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 12 12/7/19 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 120 5/15/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 121 5/17/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 122 5/20/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 123 5/22/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 124 5/24/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 125 5/29/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 126 5/29/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 127 6/5/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 128 6/9/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 129 6/9/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 13 12/9/19 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 130 6/9/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 131 6/13/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 132 6/14/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 133 6/14/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 134 6/21/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 137 6/25/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 138 6/27/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 139 6/28/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 14 12/11/19 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 140 7/5/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 141 7/7/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 142 7/8/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 143 7/9/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 144 7/23/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 145 7/24/21 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 15 12/13/19 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 16 12/15/19 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 17 12/17/19 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 18 12/19/19 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 19 12/21/19 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 2 11/19/19 Gene Slavit
Psalms The Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 20 12/23/19 Gene Slavit
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God’s Orders

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On this Thanksgiving Day 2024, let’s remember how much God loves us in sending His Son to show us how to live. What are God’s orders for us each day?


God’s Glorious Spirit Gives Us Rest

You might trust the words of a friend who had true, experiential understanding of a subject. Peter’s first letter to the church is written by a man who lived with Jesus and understood how to be spiritually one with the Father, as Jesus prayed he would be. Peter understood the rest and refreshing we have when God’s glorious spirit lives within us. We can trust his advice on how to live.

I Peter 4:14:
If you are reproached for the name of Christ, happy are you; for the spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.


Faces on a Cliff

Visiting Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota was a long-awaited adventure. Sherry had visited with her family when she was young, but it had always been a dream of mine, ever since I saw a ViewMaster slide of it as a young boy. But what about these faces on a cliff?

Hebrews 12:1:
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

Seeing the witness of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln can be inspiring. Washington the “father our country”; Jefferson the “father of the Declaration of Independence” that set the foundation for our constitution and laws; Roosevelt whose “Bully pulpit” preached American values; and Lincoln who often quoted the Bible and fought to keep our nation together. Lincoln, whose image stands to the side of the other three, spoke the words of Jesus that a “house divided cannot stand.”

If I were to carve faces on a cliff, I might choose four others. Just as Washington, Jefferson, and Roosevelt are in a group in chronological order. I would put Abraham, Moses, and the Apostle Paul in a chronological group. Abraham is the “father of all who believe.” Moses declared independence from the evils around him and provided a law for a godly lifestyle. Paul used every opportunity to preach the risen Christ and the power of the holy spirit.

Just as Lincoln fought to bring all Americans together, so Jesus Christ fought to conquer sin and bring all nations together in one new body. I would put Jesus Christ off to the right like Lincoln. He deserves the greatest place of honor as God’s only-begotten Son who always did the Father’s will. But unlike all others, God raised him from the dead, and he is now Lord of all.

Hebrews 12:2
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

It is nice to see the Washington-Jefferson-Roosevelt-Lincoln images to help us remember their accomplishments to bless our nation. And maybe we’ll never see the Abraham-Moses-Paul-Jesus Christ images on a cliff. But their example and accomplishments will bless all nations for eternity!

FreedomLifeLight Jesus Christ Psalms

The Word Loves the Word

Communicating is what life is about. Yet how I talk to our two-year-old granddaughter, one of my middle-school students, or my wife is very different. God communicates with us even more personally through His Word. He had people filled with his spirit write it down [II Peter 1:21]. It came in human form as God’s Son, who made known his Father [John 1:14,18].


CDA (Christ Does it Again) Marathon

I just finished running 26.2 miles in the CDA [Coeur D’Alene, Idaho] marathon. I sure had a lot of help. Mostly from old friends who were praying for me. The weather was perfect, and I know their prayers helped. And I met several new friends during the run. Also, I had 25 other “friends” to help me along the way—one for each mile of the run.

FreedomLifeLight Holy Spirit

Fear Not; Shine Forth

What are you afraid of? Pain, suffering, poverty, sickness, looking foolish, losing love, being disliked, failing at your job, a bad marriage, a country in chaos? There is plenty to fear if we let our minds go that route. But God gave you free will and the ability to think His thoughts. Then you can claim His power and shine forth for Him!


Serving the Lord Jesus and Enjoying the Father’s Praise

I used to care a lot about what people thought of me. In fact, in high school I tried to be everybody’s friend. I was eventually class president and had made a name for myself, but I really didn’t have that many close friends. Even worse, I would change my opinions based upon who I was with in order to please them. This chameleon lifestyle was hard to keep, because it would change with each social environment.