Then God recounted great truths for Job: His original creation, Lucifer’s rebellion and the destruction it brought, how God restored heaven and earth. God made known to Job His magnificence in the Great Deep, in the Heavens, and in the Great Waters. And God explained to Job the great story in the heavens–the story of the coming Messiah as told in the twelve signs of the zodiac.
The Great Conflict
We have seen that the original star names carry significance regarding the Messiah. They also reveal truths about the serpent, the Devil, and his kingdom. This is the great conflict that God declared to Adam and Eve, immediately after the serpent caused them to disobey their Creator.
Genesis 3:15:
And I [God] will put enmity [conflict] between thee [the serpent, the Devil] and the woman, and between thy seed [the serpent’s seed] and her seed [the Messiah]; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
God’s celestial Word repeats this story over and over. It gives knowledge of this great conflict, and it shows the Messiah in victory.
Psalms 19:1-6:
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
A Translation from the Hebrew of Job 40:1–41:34
The following is a translation of 40:1–41:34. As seen by the previous structures (God’s Celestial Word: An Overview of Job 4:1–41:34 and God’s Celestial Word: The Zodiac in Job 38:31–39:30), this section of the Book of Job shows where God teaches Job about the coming mediator (the daysman) and about Job’s adversary, the Devil.
There are quite a few references in this section of Job to the Devil’s kingdom, made up of the one-third of the original angelic realm that fell with him (Revelation 12:4). These fallen angels are now evil spirits that influence, oppress, and possess those who give over their free will to them. God showed Job great detail about the Devil’s kingdom, especially since Job had been so viciously attacked by Elihu, and even denounced by his wife and “friends.”
The translation is based on the Hebrew, using modern research tools including the Hebrew interlinear and the Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance. One good study would be to compare this translation of Job 38:1-41:34 with the translation of this same section in the King James Version or other translations.
Enjoy the following translation, based on the original language, ancient star names, and Biblical context. Jesus Christ is the great subject of the heavens!
The Adversary’s devices
1. His kingdom (40:1-14)
Then the Lord gave heed to Job, and said further,
Shall that adversary who grapples against the Almighty reprove one (like Job) who stands for Me?
He that rebukes God shall be brought low.
Behold it is the (pridefully) swift and sharp who are turned back by God, but I will lay my hand upon my mouth,
I have already spoken once for God and will not take heed (to the lies of the enemy), I have no need to respond a second time to his attacks!
Then the Lord gave heed to Job, and spoke to Job over the rushing and tossing hurricane of the adversary’s attacks, and said,
Tighten up the commitment center of your mind, I pray thee, as a mighty man [gbr], for as you have requested, I will make fully known to you those things that you may understand.
Can the adversary disannul and break up my righteous judgment concerning you? Will he trouble you as a wrong doer and vex you whom I have declared righteous?
Who has a mighty arm that can compare unto God? Or who can proclaim with a voice of thunder like unto Me?
Behold, how the adversary (and his minions) bedeck and adorn themselves with haughty, swelling grandeur and lofty excellence! They wrap themselves up in their swollen and prideful beauty.
They shall be crushed to pieces to the fullest extent by My righteous judgment!
And we shall behold everyone that is proud and lofty in their arrogant ways cast down with him!
We shall see all that have mounted up in their ungodly pride vanquished and brought low.
For the Messiah will tread down and crush the wicked one to pieces beneath his feet (in that day)!
Now these evil ones are hidden secretly in the clay and dust (of those they possess) and function together (under their evil master), their real faces are wrapped up and compressed to be hidden and covered over in secrecy.
Both now and again I (the Lord) will prove with My own hands, that My right hand can totally save and deliver [Hebrew yasha–as in Jesus or Joshua, the Lord saves] in regard to these ungodly, evil ones!
2. Hydra: The Serpent (40:15-24)
Behold now, and observe closely, look upon [p-ehe-mau, Egyptian “water ox,” similar to Hydra–water serpent] the great water serpent in the heavens! Which I set in the heavens to show you (your great enemy); For he devours living things as a beast devours the grass of the field.
For behold, I pray you, how his strength and power lie along his slender and powerful sides, and how his ability and strength of idolatrous pride is entwined about the sinews and cords of his empty belly!
He flexes with delight his mighty and powerful tail (hind part) as a firm and rooted cedar! The tendons of his fear, dread, and terror entwine his enemies as they wreathe the heavens!
His entire body is enclosed and contained as the tube of a great, hissing serpent; his skeletal bones are forged together that they might cut and pierce as an iron weapon!
He was set in the top rank and highest position of all the pathways of God: God made him and equipped him as a cherub [Hebrew chereb, possibly from keruob, cherubim] who might worship and present himself before God.
But now his looming minions exalt and lift him up by bringing to him the pompous fruit of their wicked works! So that there they make sport of and scorn all living things that are spread out upon the earth!
He lies hidden secretly beneath his sly and subtle (systems), hidden and covered by those things he has erected and the miry swamps he has built!
His subtle systems screen as a hedge about him with hovering and phantom shadows (illusions); they braid their pledges of entrapment, and traffic in the occupations of life’s torrents as they revolve about and carry on his evil works.
Behold, how he oppresses and defrauds a cheerful and prosperous assembly with his deceitful and violent ways! He does not tremble in fear or rush to carry out his devices, for he has strong confidence that he can labor to bring forth those that descend into his mouth!
His eyes seize upon his prey; his snorting, enraged face punctures and perforates every trap sent to seize him!
3. Leviathan: The enemy to be bound by the Messiah (41:1-34)
Can anyone else pull down Leviathan [In Isaiah 27:1 Leviathan (Cetus) is also called the piercing (fleeing) serpent who is Serpens, the crooked (twisting) serpent who is Draco, and the dragon (sea creature) who is Hydra] with a hook? Or subdue his (deceitful) tongue with a noose?
Can anyone else fasten a rope about his angry snout? Or puncture his jaw with a binding hook?
Will the adversary abound with prayers of entreaty to anyone [as the Messiah will]? Or will he arrange soft and tender words towards anyone [as the Messiah will]?
Will the adversary cut a (blood) oath or covenant with anyone [as the Messiah will]? Can he be purchased and held as a bond slave for any time [as the Messiah will]?
Will he be soon mocked as a small and helpless creature [as the Messiah will]? Or will he be soon bound and held as a small child [as the Messiah will]?
Will leagues of men bore into his flesh [as the Messiah will be]? Or will they part his things as merchandise [as the Messiah’s will be]?
Who can fill Leviathan’s skin with barbed iron? Or his head with clattering harpoons as he squirms about?
I will lay my hand upon him, I will mark and bring to memory the great conflict [Genesis 3:15]; nothing more can be added unto it!
Behold, the adversary’s great expectation is a lie (he deceives himself); shall the adversary not be cast down again (as when he first rebelled) at the beautiful countenance (life and work) of the Messiah?
There is none other than the Messiah so brave and valiant who can overcome and master him (Leviathan)! Who else can stand steadfast and confront the adversary to his face?
Who else but he (the Messiah) who is the anticipated and expected Redeemer that will make full restitution (for mankind)! Everything that lies beneath the entire heavens (the whole celestial story) points toward and until (he has accomplished these deeds)!
I refuse and will not allow anything to blot out or hide The Branch (the Messiah), nor My Word concerning that mighty one [ Hebrew gbra], nor the beauty and excellence of his great value and price that is ordered and arranged!
Who else (besides the Messiah) can unveil and reveal the face and countenance of the adversary’s deceitful coverings and deceptive vesture? Who else can subdue and go forth against the adversary twice (unto established victory) and fasten a completed, final halter ending the adversary’s works?
Who else (besides the Messiah) can openly show and greatly discover the changing and moving ways of the adversary’s face (his courses of the world)? For the adversary’s teeth, his sharp and idolatrous systems, are set round about, encompassing all of mankind!
The adversary’s evil systems are set like strong and mighty scales that defend as a buckler upon his back and hind places. He marshals and encloses his forces with his signet ring of evil, sealing them tightly unto anguish, sorrow, and death!
The adversary’s evil minions are so united (by his vicious grip of fear) and set so tightly together under his command, that not one spirit [Hebrew ruach] can stand against him or besiege and rebelliously undermine the adversary’s system to break it asunder from within!
Each type (of evil spirit) is joined and clings tightly (within its unit of command) to similar spirits (evil spirits who carry out similar functions). They are captured and ensnared together so nothing else can break or separate their wicked bond!
He sneezes out and blows out what seems to be genuine light shining as the morning sun. His eyes (as an angel of light) seem to shine forth and shoot out rays of light like the early morning sun!
His mouth puffs and blows so that flaming torches walk forth (from him), and destructive sparks of burning fire quickly escape!
His snorting sends forth angry vapors, his boiling and puffing produce a marshy land!
The adversary’s very breath licks and ignites fiery embers, a flashing blade comes out of his mouth!
The tendons of his neck are obstinate (stiff-necked), strong, and bold. His wicked pining and desire constantly leap forth to his face!
Those that attempt to fall from the grip of his body are captured in pursuit, they are molded and cast firmly into a hardened state by the one over them. They are never allowed to shake themselves free or fall away!
The adversary’s heart and desires are set and hardened according to the foundation that he has built (in his deeds). His hardness and firmly cast ways bring him forth to the depths of the pit (destruction)!
When the adversary lifts himself up in his exalted position of pride, the “gods” (his devil spirit powers) shrink in fear and gather together as hostile ones! They are broken and destroyed when they lose his battles or fail him!
The weapons (set in the heavens) of the Messiah do not daunt him. No, not the javelin or spear or armor (set in the constellations) of the Messiah.
The adversary reckons the piercing sword of the Messiah to be as straw or stubble. He counts the future judgment (as brass) of the Messiah (displayed in the heavens) as a rotten and decaying branch!
The great archer’s arrows (set in the heavens) do not cause him to bolt or run in fear. Stones of the sling (man-made devices) are twisted and perverted by the adversary into worthless stubble!
He counts the raised club of the Messiah (set in the heavens) as dry stubble, the adversary laughs in scorn at the rattling and shaking spear of the Messiah (set in the heavens)!
Piercing pieces of earthly treachery and cunning secrets are beneath him. He sends forth piercing and wounding barbs upon the sticky mire (of his kingdoms)!
The adversary makes the deep (his spirit kingdom there) to boil like a caldron. He places the roaring sea (of his spirit realm) to be an ointment pot of a sweet smell to him!
His well-worn paths are illuminated by the light of God’s Word and reveal the adversary’s hind parts! For the adversary thought to make the deep to become frozen!
Upon the dust of earth (mankind) there are none that can be compared to him. For the adversary carries out his plans without any respect or awe of God!
The adversary holds within his view everyone that is haughty and full of wicked pride. He is the ruler over all the sons of haughtiness who strut in their pride!
What Does This Mean for Us?
So much was revealed to Job, yet Jesus Christ exposed the adversary’s snare much greater. Today, we are not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices.
John 3:16-19:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
II Corinthians 2:11:
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.
God so loved us that He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, for us. Jesus took our place as sinners to pay the just price for our forgiveness. God, the Father, made us His sons and daughters in Christ. Now we can take his place and stand against Satan’s devices.
Ephesians 6:11:
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Let’s continue to fight the good fight of our faith together!
NEXT: God’s Celestial Word: For Signs
PREVIOUS: God’s Celestial Word: The Zodiac in Job 38:31-39:30
2 replies on “God’s Celestial Word: The Adversary’s Devices and Kingdom in Job 40:1–41:34”
A lot of work went into that. Well done. Thank you for making it available.
Wow—what a powerful and insightful translation! It really lays explains in vivid terms how all evil power in the world is carried out and perpetrated. I never fully realized that the adversary is so scornful and arrogant that he mocks and scoffs at the message written in the stars about his own eventual destruction!