
I went for a run yesterday along the coast where we live south of Los Angeles. The sky was bright blue and the ocean danced with whitecaps and deep blue waters. The four and a half miles to Pelican Cove from our house has some of my favorite views past Sacred Cove (where I often go swimming with my friend “Sammy,” a friendly harbor seal) and Abalone Cove. These three “coves”—from the English word meaning a cave or chamber—offer protection and a peaceful place to swim. They remind me of the peace we have when we rely on God’s power.
When I got to Pelican Cove, I ran down the switchback to the rocky beach below and headed past a couple of sandpipers to the southern end of the cove. That is where some amazing rocks rise near the coast like ancient pyramids. One rock, called Toveemur by earlier residents, is about 30 feet wide and equally high. To its right sits another slightly smaller rock, but just as sturdy and strong. And that is where I sat, watching the five-foot waves rhythmically sweep toward me—and the rocks.
The amazing thing to me was that these big waves could have washed over me if left unchecked. But as they hit the rocks, they exploded into bright white geysers high above my head. The afternoon sun made the spray look almost solid as it arched and flew over the top of Toveemur and its neighbors. Despite the big waves from a recent storm, the power of those rocks kept me safe and protected—and at peace.
We Have Peace with God
As born-again believers, we have peace from God our Father through Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:1-5 [James Moffatt Translation]:
As we are justified by faith, then, let us enjoy the peace we have with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have got access to this grace where we have our standing, and triumph in the hope of God’s glory. Not only so, but we triumph even in our troubles, knowing that trouble produces endurance, endurance produces character, and character produces hope — a hope which never disappoints us, since God’s love floods our hearts through the holy Spirit [God’s gift] which has been given to us.
Through Christ we have access to God’s grace, which is something we can stand in. We triumph in the hope of God’s glory. We know that when Jesus Christ comes back, we will be raised with a new body if we are dead, or will be changed to be like him if we are alive. Our future is assured, and that gives us peace. It also gives us the endurance to overcome challenges in this life, as we walk in God’s love which floods our hearts. The Father gave us His gift of holy spirit so that we use this spiritual power and enjoy His peace.
Isaiah 26:3,4 [James Moffatt Translation]:
Thou dost protect and prosper steadfast souls, for they rely on thee.
Always rely on the Eternal, for the Eternal’s strength endures.
The original Hebrew of these verses gives some beautiful insight. Verse 3 says that God will keep us in “peace, peace.” That is a figure of speech emphasizing the great peace He gives us. Verse 4 says we can trust in the Lord, Who is the “rock of ages.” He is a solid rock that endures longer than Toveemur Rock or any other earthly protection.
Remember that we have “access” to God through Jesus Christ. Let’s see it again.
Ephesians 3:11,12 [James Moffatt Translation]:
…Christ Jesus our Lord, through whom, as we have faith in him, we enjoy our confidence of free access.
We can confidently enjoy our free access to the Father. When we made Jesus Christ our lord, God became our heavenly Father. With that, we can approach Him as any child can freely go to a loving parent.
We Have Peace with Each Other
Jesus Christ not only gave us access and peace with God, we now have peace with each other. Those who were under God’s covenant with Israel have no advantage today over the other nations. Now all are made near by the blood of Christ. The new birth gives us the same spirit, and that is the basis of our unity, and our peace with one another.
Ephesians 2:3-8 [James Moffatt Translation]:
Whereas now, within Christ Jesus, you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, he who has made both of us a unity and destroyed the barrier which kept us apart; in his own flesh he put an end to the feud of the Law with its code of commands, so as to make peace by the creation of a new Man in himself out of both parties, so as himself to give the death-blow to that feud by reconciling them both to God in one Body through the cross; he came with a gospel of peace for those far away (that is, for you) and for those who were near, for it is through him that we both enjoy our access to the Father in one Spirit.
But what about those times we don’t feel so peaceful? How do we live this stuff?
Philippians 4:4,5 [James Moffatt Translation]:
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again, ‘rejoice.’ Let your forbearance be known to everyone; the Lord is at hand.
We can rejoice in what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for us. We can patiently forbear others because of the hope we have of Christ’s return. The Lord is at hand; Christ could come back at any time!
Verses 6,7:
Never be anxious, but always make your requests known to God in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving; so shall God’s peace, that surpasses all our dreams, keep guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
We don’t have to get anxious or upset when things look bad, we just trust God and honestly make our need known to Him. That is what “prayer and supplication” really mean. Then God’s peace will guard your heart and mind.
Verses 8,9:
Finally, brothers, keep in mind whatever is true, whatever is worthy, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is attractive, whatever is high-toned, all excellence, all merit. Practise also what you have learned and received from me, what you heard me say and what you saw me do; then the God of peace will be with you.
As we keep God’s pure thoughts from His Word in mind, we will know how to practice it. Then when we do the Word, the God Who gives us peace, will be with us in every situation.
Jesus Christ’s Example: God’s Power and Peace
Let’s see how Jesus Christ lived this when he was on earth. He had God’s peace because he walked with God’s power and trusted the Father. When God’s power protects us, we have no fear or anxiety. We have God’s peace.
When Jesus first received God’s gift of holy spirit, he was sent into the wilderness where he was confronted by the Devil. Every attack the adversary threw at Jesus was repelled by God’s Son who quoted the scriptures. Even when the Devil tried to kill Jesus by having him jump from a cliff, Jesus Christ stayed peaceful and kept his mind on the Father.
Later, Jesus encouraged his disciples to have such peace.
Matthew 11:28-30 [James Moffatt Translation]:
Come to me, all who are labouring and burdened, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find your souls refreshed; my yoke is kindly and my burden light.
Jesus Christ was gentle and humble in heart. The King James Version says “meek and lowly in heart.” Jesus was so lowly that he knew that without the Father, he could do nothing (John 5:30). He was so meek that he always did what pleased God (John 8:29). That is how Jesus manifested God’s power so mightily. And with that powerful lifestyle came God’s peace.
Jesus Christ said that he would accomplish God’s plan of salvation so that his Father could send the gift of holy spirit. This would give his disciples true peace.
John 14:26-31 [James Moffatt Translation]:
But the Helper, the holy Spirit whom [God’s gift, which] the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and recall to you everything I have said. Peace I leave to you, my peace I give to you; I give it not as the world gives its ‘Peace!’ Let not your hearts be disquieted or timid. You heard me tell you I was going away and coming back to you; if you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father — for the Father is greater than I am. I tell you this now, before it occurs, so that, when it does occur, you may believe. I will no longer talk much with you, for the Prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on me; his coming will only serve to let the world see that I love the Father and that I am acting as the Father ordered. Rise, let us be going.
The peace that comes with God’s power is not the kind of peace that the world gives. The world offers financial “security,” earthly romance, and plenty of distractions so people forget about their troubles for a little while. But nothing that the world offers can fill the hole in a person’s heart to know the Father except getting born again and walking with His spiritual power. That brings true peace.
Jesus Christ’s Instruction: God’s Power and Peace
Jesus made sure that his disciples were fully instructed to receive God’s power. He appeared to them in his resurrected body to teach them how to manifest the soon-coming gift of holy spirit.
John 20:21,22 [James Moffatt Translation]:
Jesus then repeated, “Peace be with you! As the Father sent me forth, I am sending you forth.” And with these words he breathed on them [breathed in], and added, “Receive the holy Spirit!”
The meanings of the Greek words from the original Bible texts are helpful here. The Greek says that Jesus “breathed in” and said “Manifest holy spirit.” The Greek word translated “Receive” is lambanō, and it means to receive into evidence, or to manifest. Jesus taught his disciples to breath in and then show forth the gift of holy spirit. When and how did they do this? A few days later.
Acts 2:1,2 [King James Version]:
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly [out of quietness]….
The apostles were in the Temple at Jerusalem on the Feast of Pentecost. They were quietly waiting for the promise of the Father. They were at peace, because Jesus Christ had instructed them about what to do when they were born again of God’s spirit.
Verses 2-4:
…there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind [breathing], and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Again, the Greek original word for “rushing mighty wind” means the sound of breathing. This word is used in Greek literature for the first breath that a baby takes. Here the apostles were being born again, and they saw that it was time to “breathe in,” as Jesus had taught them. They even saw a vision of “fire,” which represented God’s power—just as God’s glory filled the Tabernacle with Moses and the Temple with Solomon. So they breathed in and spoke forth. They spoke in other tongues as God, the Spirit, gave them utterance.
God’s Power and Peace in Our Lives
The apostles continued to manifest God’s power in the days ahead. And the great peace that they had allowed them to set the early church on a foundation that lasts to this day. The Apostle Paul wrote epistles to the church, which often begin with “grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Jesus Christ gives us access to the Father in the new birth. It is God’s grace that allows us to see His power in our lives, and that gives us peace.
One reply on “God’s Power and Peace”
I could almost smell the salt air in the beautiful way you set the introduction to this beautiful teaching. Thank you for all the heart you put into your writing! It is so refreshing and inspiring!