Here is a hymn that can be sung in your heart each day. We have so much to thank our heavenly Father for. We can trust in Him!
Let us trust in God, the Creator of the heavens,
Let us trust in God, the Lord of all the earth,
He’s given us His life, eternal and forever,
Born of His spirit, we’re complete in the new birth.
Trusting God brings patience, in the trials that surround us,
Trusting God gives peace, in a world that seems unsafe.
With His strength and might and wisdom, and a love in us that’s boundless,
We have victory, grace, and power in our lives to give Him praise.
As we move today with patience, each new moment trusting Father,
As we live today in peace, with His spirit born within,
Let us stand, steadfast and faithful, trusting Him and in no other,
On the promises He’s given us, the victory to win!