God's Love

Night Has Fallen, Day Will Come

Night Has Fallen, Day Will Come

Night has fallen, gone the sun, across the earthly shores.
Gone the brilliant Helios, to cross celestial doors.
In the night, the stars above, reflect Creator’s zeal
To shine down deep inside our hearts, His passion there to seal.

Night has fallen, men do cease, their labors under sun.
They go to rest and seek for peace, when all their work is done.
Open hearts, they thank the Lord, and lay down weary heads,
With prayerful songs that echo sweetly from their downy beds.

Day will come, its copper rays will warm the chill of night.
Illumined earth will once again be rich and green and bright.
Man will venture forth to serve and take his just, good yoke.
Basking in the Gospel light, words that our Savior spoke.

Day will come through eons vast, a day that has no ceasing.
A timeless time with bodies new, all tears and grief releasing.
For God will send His Son again, to raise us to a life,
That never ends, filled with His love, free from all pain and strife.

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