Jesus Christ

One Wondrous Night

As Jacob sat on the low stone wall
Sharing his evening bread
With Matthew, his fellow shepherdsman,
He savored God’s goodness and said:

I’ve seen these stars hundreds of times
Yet their beauty never dims;
Their story shines across the heavens,
God’s Messiah, saving us from our sins.

And as he spoke, God’s angel appeared
To the shepherds on that hill,
A twilight sentinel in the glory of the Lord
Proclaiming to them God’s will:

Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

He told them how they would know the Christ
If to Bethlehem they made haste;
The babe would be laying in a manger
In swaddling clothes, by God’s great grace.

Then suddenly God’s heavenly host
Stood in glory round about,
Heralding forth God’s goodness and love
And this was their heavenly shout:

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,
good will toward men.

The shepherds then straightaway hastened
God’s savior they desired to see,
Never doubting the Lord God had spoken
His people—they would soon be free.

There he is!  Jacob cried out joyfully,
Just as the angel had said!
God’s timing was perfect as always,
Swaddled a king from his toes to his head.

Returning they shared the glad tidings,
People wondered in awe as they heard,
Just as they do when we share it—
God’s salvation from His matchless Word!

One reply on “One Wondrous Night”

Thanks, Gene! Love this!
I love it that the angel came to the shepherds, not to the hard-hearted, oh-so-self-righteous religious leaders. The shepherds must have been such meek and hungry and faithful Judeans. And what an amazing experience for them!!!
Thanks for the beautiful poem!
Love to you and Sherry!

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