
Casting out and Casting on

The Gospels are full of records of Jesus healing people and casting evil spirits out of them. In fact, in the Gospel of Mark [where Jesus is portrayed as a servant] there are the most records of him commanding evil spirits to leave the bodies and lives of men.


Faces on a Cliff

Visiting Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota was a long-awaited adventure. Sherry had visited with her family when she was young, but it had always been a dream of mine, ever since I saw a ViewMaster slide of it as a young boy. But what about these faces on a cliff?

Hebrews 12:1:
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

Seeing the witness of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln can be inspiring. Washington the “father our country”; Jefferson the “father of the Declaration of Independence” that set the foundation for our constitution and laws; Roosevelt whose “Bully pulpit” preached American values; and Lincoln who often quoted the Bible and fought to keep our nation together. Lincoln, whose image stands to the side of the other three, spoke the words of Jesus that a “house divided cannot stand.”

If I were to carve faces on a cliff, I might choose four others. Just as Washington, Jefferson, and Roosevelt are in a group in chronological order. I would put Abraham, Moses, and the Apostle Paul in a chronological group. Abraham is the “father of all who believe.” Moses declared independence from the evils around him and provided a law for a godly lifestyle. Paul used every opportunity to preach the risen Christ and the power of the holy spirit.

Just as Lincoln fought to bring all Americans together, so Jesus Christ fought to conquer sin and bring all nations together in one new body. I would put Jesus Christ off to the right like Lincoln. He deserves the greatest place of honor as God’s only-begotten Son who always did the Father’s will. But unlike all others, God raised him from the dead, and he is now Lord of all.

Hebrews 12:2
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

It is nice to see the Washington-Jefferson-Roosevelt-Lincoln images to help us remember their accomplishments to bless our nation. And maybe we’ll never see the Abraham-Moses-Paul-Jesus Christ images on a cliff. But their example and accomplishments will bless all nations for eternity!

Body of Christ

Brothers and Sisters in the Lord

The epistle of I Thessalonians is thought to be the first letter Paul ever wrote to a Christian church. It followed his visit to them, as recorded in Acts 17:1-9. It was not an easy time, but Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy gave their all to help these new believers to the faith. The hope of Christ’s return and our gathering together unto him fills this epistle.


Strong to the End

God wants us to finish strong in this race of life. During the nearly 20 full marathons I’ve done, I often remember getting past the 20-mile mark and growing tired. It would be easy to stop and say I’d done enough. But with God’s help, I summoned the resolve to pick up the pace and run strong across the finish line. The same is true as we live each day, knowing Christ could return for us at any moment. The finish line could be now or years later.

God's Word

It Doesn’t Change What’s True

I’ve applied for a teaching job in North Carolina where we are moving to. I want to teach because I love a learning environment and to see young people grow into noble and well-rounded adults. I also enjoy working with other educators who do the same. But whether or not I get this job doesn’t change God’s power, love, or kindness to me. I want to do His will, and I know that, as my loving Father, He will meet my every need. How do I know that? Because He promises it in Philippians 4:19: “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Marriage & Family

Our Children’s Children

One of the great moments in my life was on August 9, 1992, when our son Elijah was born. Another amazing day was when he married Aimee, and we finally had a daughter. Then on March 3, 2021, they had Florence. Seeing our children’s children is one of the great joys in life.

God's Power

Moonset in PV

We’ve been staying with Sherry’s Dad, her sister, and our nephew for nearly two weeks. It was like being “home” again, because we had lived here for five years previously. Palos Verdes, California, is one of my favorite places in the world: pristine beaches, rugged cliffs, expansive ocean views, and cool ocean breezes. The best thing though, is being with people you love. We got to spend some quality time with family, and also visit old friends. Life is good.

Health & Healing

The Worth of a Soul

Sherry and I read the Bible before we go to bed. One night this week we read Mark, chapter 5. The gospel of Mark shows Jesus as a servant. He gives his all to save each individual he meets. The price of a soul is beyond earthly value.

Health & Healing

My Better Half

I’ve learned over the years to listen to my wife. Sherry is what Proverbs 31 calls a virtuous woman, and that includes her being filled with wisdom. After completing a full marathon last year, I was thinking of doing it again. But Sherry recommended I cut back a little. The upside is that I didn’t have to run up to the top of a small mountain and could stay pretty level. Today I enjoyed—really enjoyed—running the Coeur D’Alene Half Marathon. The weather was perfect, the view along the lake was reminiscent of visiting the Sea of Galilee, and there were plenty of wonderful people to meet and encourage along the run.

God's Word

Risen and Fallen

There’s an old saying: “It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.” That may be true in one sense, but when we do things properly—God is faithful to reward us. There are consequences [positive or negative] for what is done. That is never truer than in the case of Jesus Christ, God’s only-begotten Son, and his archenemy, Lucifer.