
Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 79


Click here to read PSALM 79 in poetic form.


Psalm 79 is in the Leviticus book of the Psalms (73—89). The Old Testament book of Leviticus focuses on matters in the sanctuary: the priesthood, ceremonial laws, and feasts. Almost all of these 17 Psalms mention the sanctuary and God’s relation to it. This Psalm shows God’s enemies in the sanctuary.

God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: For Signs

When God restored the heavens and the earth, He spoke celestial bodies into being. These luminaries in the heavens had a specific purpose.

earth moon

Genesis 1:14:
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs [Hebrew oth], and for seasons, and for days, and years.

Let’s see how these celestial signs agree with the prophecies of God’s promised Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 78

Click here to read PSALM 78 in poetic form.


Psalm 78 is in the Leviticus book of the Psalms (73—89). The Old Testament book of Leviticus focuses on matters in the sanctuary: the priesthood, ceremonial laws, and feasts. Almost all of these 17 Psalms mention the sanctuary and God’s relation to it. This Psalm shows where God chose to put His sanctuary after the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness.


Sit, Walk, Stand


Good morning! You just woke up and now it’s time to get dressed and grab your tools before heading out to work. You may be a carpenter, business executive, or local chef. Now that you’re ready to go, you just walk out to your car (or truck) and head off.

FreedomLifeLight Psalms

The Psalms in Poetic Form Now in Print and Digital Reader!

We will continue to post The Psalms in Poetic Form in Biblical order on our website. After many requests, we have published a book with all 150 Psalms in poetic form for easy reading and enjoyment.

FreedomLifeLight God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: Ancient Truths Displayed in the Heavens

Would you like to understand more about how God told the story of the coming Redeemer in the stars?

Click here to learn more about

God’s Celestial Word:

Ancient Truths Displayed in the Heavens 

God's Celestial Word

God’s Celestial Word: The Adversary’s Devices and Kingdom in Job 40:1–41:34

hydra2We have seen many things in the Book of Job, the first written revelation given to mankind. As such, it can act as a transition between God’s celestial Word about the Messiah and the written Word. In Job 38:1-30, God lovingly encouraged Job to remain committed and listen to the truth.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 77

Click here to read PSALM 77 in poetic form.


Stand Up for America

shepherd sheepJuly 2020 has been an interesting time in the United States and around the world. Untold violence, social unrest, racial division, false media narratives, fear of disease, and draconian state and federal restrictions seemed to have swooped down upon our country overnight.