
Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 62

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Click here to read PSALM 62 in poetic form.


Psalms 61-72 complete the Exodus book in Psalms and show the Messiah’s great atoning work.

This Psalm is separated into three sections by the Hebrew term “Selah,” which means to pause. Some Bible teachers say this connects the truths that come before and after the term.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 61

temple singers

Click here to read PSALM 61 in poetic form


Psalms 50 through 60 focused on many aspects of the Messiah, Israel’s promised redeemer. Psalms 61-72 complete the Exodus book in Psalms and show the Messiah’s great atoning work.


Time to Get Up!


I remember some pretty cold mornings getting up for school in the middle of a Missouri winter. My Mom’s loving voice let us know it was “time to get up.” After being asleep, it was worth the effort to “rise and shine” and get into the day. When Christ comes back, the “asleep” in Christ are going to get up. And believers who are alive will also get up with new spiritual bodies.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 60



Click here to read PSALM 60 in poetic form


This Psalm has the title “Michtam,” which literally means an engraving. Psalms 56 through 60 all begin with this title. It is first seen in its only other occurrence—Psalm 16. All six of these titles deal with the Messiah’s death and resurrection.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 59


Click here to read PSALM 59 in poetic form.


This Psalm has the title “Michtam,” which literally means an engraving. Psalms 56 through 60 all begin with this title. It is first seen in its only other occurrence—Psalm 16. All six of these titles deal with the Messiah’s death and resurrection.

Following the Lord Jesus Christ

Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #12 Nicodemus

The cleansing of the Temple had stirred up the beginnings of a critical disputation between Jesus and the Jewish authorities. Remember that many had believed in Jesus’ name when they saw the signs which he had done. However, as Jesus well knew, believing based on miracles (signs) alone could merely be mental assent, and not necessarily a moving of the heart.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ Brings Healing for All

bronze snake

When privately meeting with Nicodemus, Jesus Christ shared some of the greatest truths ever uttered by man. One of them was:

John 3:13-15:
And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Body of Christ

Ephesians—In the Lord

GU Baby Shower

Two days ago I talked to my Mom on Mother’s Day, and it was a real treat. She is 92, living at home on her own, and loving God and praying for our family. And I got to spend Mother’s Day with Sherry.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 58

fire pot

Click here to read PSALM 58 in poetic form.


This Psalm has the title “Michtam,” which literally means an engraving. Psalms 56 through 60 all begin with this title. It is first seen in its only other occurrence—Psalm 16. All six of these titles deal with the Messiah’s death and resurrection.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 57

Click here to read PSALM 57 in poetic form.


This Psalm has the title “Michtam,” which literally means an engraving. Psalms 56 through 60 all begin with this title. It is first seen in its only other occurrence—Psalm 16. All six of these titles deal with the Messiah’s death and resurrection.