Jesus Christ

God’s Love: Making Jesus Christ Lord–Part 1, Our Helper

Dad & Kids

I learned about my Dad by reading old newspapers about his Navy and Army service in World War II. I also heard stories about him from my Mom and other relatives. But the way I knew him best was by living with him, hearing what he had to say, and seeing his love for me in daily actions—like playing “catch” or praying together.

God's Love

God Hears Us

The Father hears us

Ever talk to a spouse, friend, student, or coworker, and they haven’t heard a word you said. I’ve learned it pays to get people’s attention before I launch into what I want them to hear. God always pays attention to what we say.

Jesus Christ

What God Has Prepared for Those Who Love Him


Both the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the outpouring of holy spirit on Pentecost were spiritually pivotal moments in world history. To this very day, we are still enjoying the life-giving benefits of what our heavenly Father had prepared for us in Christ at that time.

God's Love

Tasting God’s Goodness and Kindness


It’s funny, but at some of the more challenging times in my life, ice cream has helped me. When I had a severe case of the measles, my Mom tenderly cared for me and gave me medicine with a nice bowl of vanilla ice cream.

God's Love

Living Love Letters


Are you a living love letter? If so, then don’t let the scribbles of the world interfere with the wonderful message of God’s love in Christ in your life! Read on….

God's Peace

The Perfection of God’s Peace

mom sherry

Today is Mother’s Day. I think of my Mom who raised eight kids with the help of my Dad. Each day they had to focus on the job at hand: feeding, clothing, teaching, loving, and sharing their lives with us. We were a religious family and even had group prayer together. In her own way, my Mom taught us (often by example) to trust God in our everyday lives. God’s Word shows us how that trust brings perfect peace.

Our Grand Midwest Tour

Our Grand Midwest Tour: Home

Z Home

Driving to the Chicago Midway airport, I reflected on some of the sweet memories of our trip. Here are a few that you can read about in my previous posts.

Jesus Christ

God Saved Us through His Son, Jesus Christ


Lessons from Scouting Days

I have many fond memories of being a boy scout. There were 10-mile hikes through beautiful forests that ended in a refreshing swim in a cool spring, nights of camping under clear, star-filled skies, the fun of learning to swim and rescue others at summer camp.

I recently looked through my old scout handbook and found this:

“A boy who doesn’t know first aid is of little use when someone is hurt. A boy who can’t swim has little chance to rescue a drowning person. As a Scout you will know what to do–and do it. ”

God's Word

Modern Church Myths

myth blog

II Timothy 4:3,4 [Moffatt Translation]:
For the time will come when people decline to be taught sound doctrine, they will accumulate teachers to suit themselves and tickle their own fancies, they will give up listening to the Truth and turn to myths.

Our Grand Midwest Tour

Our Grand Midwest Tour: Grace


Before I share with you this last stop on our tour, I find myself looking back in review of our previous adventures. And I realize that every moment, every wonderful new discovery of the places and people we visited, has been provided to us by the grace of God.