Jesus Christ

Usages of Kurios [Lord] in the Greek New Testament


The PDF link below is a study of every use of the word kurios in the Greek New Testament

Usages of Kurios in the Greek New Testament



Since I became a Christian in the mid-1970s, I have loved Jesus Christ for all that he has done for me. I have met other Christians, of many persuasions, who had different understandings of what it meant for Jesus to be their “lord.” Having so often read of the Lord God in the Old Testament, I wondered how the New Testament used the English word “lord,” which is so often translated from the Greek word, kurios.

Having loved Latin and classical translation throughout my four years of high school, I continued studying Latin and added Greek to my university endeavors. Graduating from the University of Missouri with a degree in Classical Studies, I had enjoyed the privilege of studying under such scholars as Meyer Reinhold, Eugene Lane, and Charles Saylor. Theodore “Teddy” Tarkow was my first Greek teacher, and his enthusiasm was inspiring. About the same time, I began attending Bible fellowships and saw that a greater understanding of original Biblical languages could help to open the scriptures.

For more than forty years, I have studied the Greek New Testament for practical learning that would benefit me, my family, and others I love. I believe that this study of the Greek word kurios in the New Testament is a product of love for God and His Son Jesus Christ. It is by no means perfect, and any error reflects my lack of understanding. I have done my best to see that the whole Word of God fits together when approaching this study, with a core belief that God is the Author of the Bible and that it has integrity. I am thankful for any input that may make this study clearer or more accurate.

When I made Jesus lord and believed that God raised him from the dead, I received my heavenly Father’s gift of eternal life through His Son. Since that time, I have endeavored to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with my God. I have also done my best to let the words of my mouth (or of my pen) and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to my heavenly Father and my wonderful brother and lord, Jesus Christ. My prayer is that this work may help others understand better the goodness of God and His gracious giving in sending His Son, Jesus Christ “that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Gene Slavit
Rancho Palos Verdes, California
October 2018



This study of “Usages of Kurios in the Greek New Testament” is the product of several decades of thought and a few months of assimilation and typing. When my wife Sherry and I moved to California in the fall of 2016, I had time to work on this project between job applications and interviews. It was a fruitful and enjoyable time of rediscovery and also of finding greater depth from the Greek and Aramaic texts. My sources included versions of the Greek New Testament, the Aramaic New Testament, the Septuagint, and Biblical lexical aids.

Although others may have done similar studies, I made up my mind not to look at any other previous studies of kurios in the New Testament. That approach allowed me to go to the scriptures themselves without being influenced by the opinions or observations of others. Since I had seen a clear format regarding a study of the Greek words pneuma and hagion in the Greek New Testament, I adopted that style. After looking at the 748 uses of kurios according to the majority of Greek texts, I developed “usages” that were common among the uses. These are given to help Biblical students quickly see which “lord” is being addressed in specific New Testament scriptures.

I trust that this study will be a blessing and a help to all who use it. I know that this is not a finished work, and I look forward to input from anyone regarding this study. I believe that Christians are to humbly and graciously live the Mystery of the one body of Christ. Therefore, I welcome any insight from others that may add to the wealth of understanding on this subject.

Please send any input or comments to the following email address, and I will happily consider it:


Eugene (Gene) M. Slavit

Click here for PDF:



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