
Government for the People

Good government of the people requires that the government take responsibility to protect every individual citizen’s God-given rights. In government by the people, we noted the people’s responsibility to be mature, self-governing citizens that properly steward their private property. Now let’s look at government for the people, which is how the government and the people work together so that the power of government remains with the people.


Government of the People, and Government by the People


First, in “Government of the People,” we will examine the responsibilities of the government and its chosen representatives and leaders. Second, in “Government by the People,” we’ll take a look at the people’s responsibilities. 


God and Government

CA Capitol 1
We visited the State of California capitol building in Sacramento.

As Americans celebrate the 242nd anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, it is a good time to reflect on the subject of government. Is there any Biblical basis for a particular form of government?


Asleep in Christ (Part 2): When Do They Get Up?

asleep 2
“In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye”

We saw in Part 1 that to be “asleep in Christ” refers to a born-again believer who is physically dead and awaits the return of Christ. That is when believers will “wake up”! That is our great hope for the future. Now let’s see more of the how and when those who are asleep in Christ will get up.


Asleep in Christ (Part 1)

asleep 1

Many sincere Christians believe that upon death a believer goes to heaven to live with the Lord. They even teach that those who died are conscious and are “looking down” upon those of us on earth. This teaching opens the door to spiritualism and evil spirit impersonation of the dead (familiar spirits). What do the scriptures say about those who are “asleep in Christ”?

God's Love

God: The Father of Mercy, Glory, Spiritual Ability, and Light

Me and my Dad

In the Eastern culture of the Bible, the word “father” is used of someone who begins or supplies something. God, our heavenly Father is the beginner and source of mercy, glory, spiritual ability, and light.

Jesus Christ

Trusting in God, Not Man (Part 2)

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In Part 1, we saw the great truths in Psalm 91 that show God’s great love and protection for the Messiah. Now we will see in Philippians 2 how God kept His promises to Jesus Christ by raising him from the dead and making him lord. And we will see in Ephesians 6 what we have today with Christ in us, the hope of glory. We can trust in our heavenly Father’s unlimited supply, and not in man’s meager attempts at sufficiency.

God's Power

Trusting in God, Not Man (Part 1)

trust 1

Sometimes it’s pretty easy to trust in people. It is how we were taught since birth. We put our confidence in our Dad and Mom that they will feed, clothe, house, and love us. We trust in our school teachers to give us what we need to know. We even trust our employers to pay us what we’ve agreed upon.

Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: Submit

g51In Love and Marriage: As Christ Loved the Church, we saw that God’s plan for marriage as expressed in Ephesians 5:25 tells husbands specifically in the marriage relationship to love their own wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it.

God's Word

Life Lesson #1

Sun Walk

Life has been full of challenging pressures, learning adventures, and great times with my heavenly Father. I love how the challenges and difficulties can bring me one of two ways. Either I end up doing things my way, or I get into the Word and do it God’s way.