Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: Examples in Genesis – Adam and Eve



Examples We Will Study in This Series

The Book of Genesis sets a foundation to life, including love and marriage. As the Author of His Word, God gives us great examples of men and women who were married. The Bible clearly shows that marriage is for one man and one woman who both love God first. These couples made lots of mistakes, just like we do in our marriages. But they trusted God and He was able to help them overcome the evil and negatives facing them.

This series will show some of the positive benefits to marriage. It will also show how married couples believed to carry out God’s will in their lives, and how that has blessed mankind for centuries.

Marriage & Family

When I Wake Up in the Morning

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When I wake up in the morning
I see the beauty of your face,
When I wake up in the morning
I hear the kindness of your voice,
When I wake up in the morning
I feel the warmth of your soft touch.

And I’m thankful each new morning
For the goodness of His grace,
And I’m thankful each new morning
That in His Word I can rejoice,
And I’m thankful each new morning
That both God and you love me so much.

Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: God, Man, and Woman – A Threefold Cord

April 2016 034

Have you ever tried to use a camera on a single pole? Oops! Most pictures you take will either be of the ground or the sky. How about using a two-legged stand? Not much better is it? There is a reason we use a tripod! It takes three to form a solid, complete base for anything.

Three is definitely the way to go in marriage. With God at the center, a man and woman can have all they need to live a full and enriching life together as husband and wife. These three—God, the husband, and the wife—form a complete arrangement for spiritual wholeness and loving support.

Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: Ephesians 5


Have you read any books or manuals on marriage? Talked to a marriage counselor or family therapist? Watched TV shows like Divorce Court or Wife Swap? Asked family or friends for marriage advice? I have done all the above and more. And yes, I learned plenty. But most of it was fluffy self-improvement kind of stuff, sort of like trying to live on a diet of cake and ice cream with some chopped liver thrown in for nourishment. At one point, I decided to get serious and focus on God’s view of the subject in His Word and start eating right.

Marriage & Family

A Wedding Poem

wedding poem

Here is a poem for all those wonderful couples who are getting married–and for all those faithful couples who live their marriage with God’s mercy and grace each day!

Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: Body and Soul


To better understand about marriage and how a man and woman can meld their lives together, let’s look at some of the basics from God’s Word. Understanding what our heavenly Father says about our body and soul is vital to appreciating how awesomely and wonderfully He has designed our lives.

Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: God’s Design

I came of marriageable age in the 1970s when “free love” and “women’s lib” were redefining society’s view of marriage. At the same time, a revival of interest in God, Jesus, and the Bible promoted conflicting viewpoints on the same subject.

In the middle of this tumultuous era, I got married. And only by God’s grace, mercy, and love, we are still married today—36 years later. Having traversed the rocky terrain of popular opinion and made our way across flooding rivers of human passion and emotion, we now have a life together built firmly in sweet fellowship with our heavenly Father that we will cherish the rest of our days.

Holy Spirit

The Father Sent His Son so We Can Have Holy Spirit, Part 3


We have seen in Part 1 that the Father is our mighty God Who makes us His children. In Part 2, we saw that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the captain of our salvation. Now we will see that it was through the works of God’s Son that we have the gift of holy spirit. God is Spirit, and we can worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Holy Spirit

The Father Sent His Son so We Can Have Holy Spirit, Part 2

god son holy spirit 1
My early years as an altar boy.

In Part 1, I told you about serving in my church and seeing the paintings of the Father, His Son, and the “Holy Ghost” above the altar. And we looked at what the scriptures say about the Father. The gospels, the Book of Acts, and the epistles written to the Church show that “the Father” is Almighty God, the Creator of the heavens and earth—Who loves us and  wants to know us intimately as His children. Now we will look at what the Bible has to say about His Son, our lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

God's Power

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God


As a young girl, my father would take the family to the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles. I loved the shows in the planetarium where we could see the “sun” go down and the “stars” come out in the domed ceiling above us. Since then—from Skagway, Alaska to Melbourne, Australia—I think I’ve viewed the entire expanse of the heavens visible to those of us on earth.