Jesus Christ

Jesus in the Gospel of John, Part 2: Fulfilling the Law and Keeping the Feasts


In Part 1 of this series, we learned that the gospel of John shows Jesus as the Son of God. His genealogy in John calls him “the only begotten of the Father.” We also saw that Jesus often spoke of bringing eternal life as savior.

Holy Spirit

Launch Out

PC 14

Philippians 1:20: [J.B. Phillips]
…now, as always, I should honour Christ with the utmost boldness by the way I live.

Jesus Christ

Jesus in the Gospel of John, Part 1: Bringing Eternal Life as Savior

Sea of Galilee
The Sea of Galilee

I once worked on a team of four studio camera operators. Each of us had a different angle and emphasis on our subject, usually a person speaking on stage. Back in the tech room, the director had a large computer screen that showed all four camera views at once.

God's Love

How Much Are You Worth?


Gene and I bought a home in Guam, the largest purchase of our married life up to that point. We agreed on a purchase price of $75,000 with the seller of a typhoon-secure, concrete, 900-square-foot house on a third of an acre of land in the village of Talofofo.


Giving in the Church Today

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Most Christians believe they should give money to their church. Many churches require their people to give a minimum of ten percent of their income and allow the church leadership to use that money as they see fit. Is this what God really wants?


God-up Leadership, Part 3: Serving in the Body Today

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We’ve seen that the church is an organic and growing, spiritual reality with Christ as its foundation. Jesus Christ made his heavenly Father the source and center of all he did. Today Christ is the head of the church, the body of Christ.


God-Up Leadership, Part 2: Beginnings, the Early Church

NS 14

During his earthly ministry, Jesus Christ set the foundation for leadership and service to God. He taught his twelve apostles how to lead. They became the genuine leaders in the early church.


God-Up Leadership, Part 1: The Foundation


th[5]I went for a run this morning along the ocean. At Point Fermin Park, I noticed a couple with a remote control glider. The operator controlled every move the glider made with the help of a rudder, ailerons, and a small engine. Then I saw a sea gull fly by. It glided, swooped, and continued on its natural path northward. They both flew, they both had direction—and they reminded me of the church today.

Holy Spirit

Living Christ Always


Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the small, daily things of life that I tend to forget who I am and what I’m doing here on earth.

Body of Christ

Understanding the Scriptures: Can Women Teach in the Church?


Recently a young woman asked about two scripture verses. She was concerned that they did not fit with other truths in God’s Word, or with life. When that seems to happen, it’s good to take a closer look at what the Word really says.