Body of Christ

The Fight of Your Life

You are a unique individual, a bundle of body-soul-spirit, with all your God-given abilities, gifts, strengths,and potential strengths (OK, weaknesses too). You’ve entered the great adventure of life, an odyssey of learning, experience, and achievement to attain the lofty goal of loving God first by following in the steps of your Lord Jesus Christ.

Holy Spirit

Pentecost: Worship, God’s Dwelling, and Fire


On the eighth day of the third month in the year 28 A.D., the Church of the Body of Christ began. It was the day of Pentecost, ten days after the ascension of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. On that day, in the Temple at Jerusalem, Peter and the eleven apostles with him were born again of incorruptible seed. They manifested the gift of holy spirit by speaking in tongues.

God's Love

God’s Unlimited Goodness

bond case

I was James Bond. Walking around the house in my little suit and bow tie, I looked for adventures where I could take on enemy agents and win the pretty girl.


Forgiveness, Part 2

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What If the Offender Refuses to Repent?

God's Peace

Access and Peace

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I remember several big storms in my lifetime. When I was eight, my sister and I took shelter in the small shed adjacent to our house.Seated on a lawnmower, I felt safe from the pelting rain and crashing thunder.


Forgiveness, Part 1


The Strength to Forgive

After 18 hours of flight on three airplanes, 9 hours waiting in airport terminals,and a 1-1/2 hour train ride, we finally arrived in downtown Melbourne, Australia. Jumping quickly off the tram, each of us with two bulgingly full suitcases in hand, Gene and I began the mile-long trudge back to the gym.

Marriage & Family

Mothers in the Lord

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I love to call my Mom on the phone as often as I can. Now almost ninety years old, she remains well aware of my lifeand also has a deep “heart” understanding of my two brothers and four sisters. I thank God for her physical and emotional care for me over the years, and today I cherish her spiritual support as we talk of God’s Word and see the power of prayer.


Can Two Walk Together Except They Be Agreed?


The Bible asks a good question.

Amos 3:3:
Can two walk together, except they be agreed?


Pray. Always.


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God tells us, His kids, to pray always. But in my early years as a believer, busy with family, job, school, friends, fellowship, traveling, and all those things that seem to keep us busy, I neglected my prayer time with God. Troubles would come up and I’d get serious about it for a while until I received God’s deliverance, then back to busy.

Holy Spirit

Bringing Forth Fruit

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Jesus Christ taught many things. Perhaps one of his best known teachings is about sowing seed and bringing forth fruit.