Last time, we rejoiced to hear about the healing of the centurion’s servant in Capernaum. We did not actually see him healed because Jesus did not even have to go to the centurion’s home! He simply “spoke the word” and the beloved servant was healed.
Each of the four gospels has a different focus on Jesus. God had Matthew write his gospel to show Jesus as the King of kings. His genealogy includes Abraham (in whose seed all nations would be blessed) and King David. God had promised in Genesis 3:15 that the Messiah would be the “seed” of the woman. But women have no seed; they supply an egg. This meant that God (not a man) would be the Father of this promised one. God includes five believing women in Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew.
The Disciple “Whom Jesus Loved”
Many people believe that John, the son of Zebedee, refers to himself in his gospel as the “disciple whom Jesus loved.” Yet the scriptures indicate that this phrase probably refers to Lazarus of Bethany.
Before we enter Capernaum, let’s consider how this town had become the chosen base of operations for Jesus after He was driven from Nazareth by religious officials there (Luke 4:16, 28–30).
BIRDLAND Coloring Book
I am thankful to announce the release of “Birdland,” a children’s book with 275 bird illustrations, thousands of fun facts, original poems, and scientific information. I recommend it for children of all ages and adults. It would make a wonderful holiday gift.
What Counts
I lost a friend this morning. I knew him briefly at a local church. He was vibrant, loving, and kind. I will miss him. I do believe that prayer is vital while we are on earth. I continue to pray for his wife and family. This morning I was comforted by my Father’s love and truth. I’ve been reading five psalms each day—here is what I read this morning.
Savior, Messiah, and Lord
God loves to make us whole. He wants our bodies healthy, our minds clear and alert, our spiritual understanding enlightened. He is our Savior and sent His Son to be our savior. That is what “Jesus” means in Hebrew: Jehovah saves. The title Jehovah is used many times in the Bible and shows God’s willingness to help us. In the Bible, God also uses the title Elohim to show that He is able (as Creator) to meet our every need. He is both willing and able to care for us.
True Answers for Today
I read this in the Bible this morning. It seems to me an apt commentary on our times.
Proverbs 29:16:
When bad men are in power, then crime increases; but good men shall yet gloat [rejoice] over their downfall.
This has been the case in America in recent years. Those leaders who turn from God and His truth cause crime to rise. When these unscrupulous fall, good men rejoice that once again they have freedom.
God’s Graciousness to Us
I have often been astounded at the matchless love of Jesus. Not at his love now, reigning as Lord in a new spiritual body at the Father’s right hand. But as a man on earth, tempted in all ways like us—yet never having sin. He could have failed, but he didn’t. He gave his life for us. My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus’ work and righteousness.
God’s Work, Our Works
Some people like to “put the cart before the horse.” At times, I’m one of them. But I’ve been learning that things don’t pull well that way. God’s way is always best.