God's Word

Modern Church Myths

II Timothy 4:3,4 [Moffatt Translation]: For the time will come when people decline to be taught sound doctrine, they will accumulate teachers to suit themselves and tickle their own fancies, they will give up listening to the Truth and turn to myths.


Confronting Spiritual Leaders

A “happy church” is a joy to see. Believers are allowed to fully share and grow together under the loving guidance and care of a pastor who does his or her best to walk with the Father and serve our Lord Jesus Christ. But what about the times when Satan deceives spiritual leaders?


Peter: Growing in Commitment

I remember our two-year-old son standing in my size-13 shoes. Sometimes kids want to grow up fast, overnight. But that’s not how most things work in real life. Plants take a while to grow, in stages. The same is physically true of animals and people. Jesus Christ worked lovingly and patiently with Peter to help […]

Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: Submit

In Love and Marriage: As Christ Loved the Church, we saw that God’s plan for marriage as expressed in Ephesians 5:25 tells husbands specifically in the marriage relationship to love their own wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it.

God's Power

Failures for Christ: New Testament Champions

We have seen how Jesus Christ stretched himself out in prayer and love. He studied the Old Testament to see that God wrought deliverance when  His people seemed to be failures. He knew that his heavenly Father would give him the victory, despite the worldly opinions of men.

Jesus Christ

Jesus in the Gospel of John, Part 1: Bringing Eternal Life as Savior

I once worked on a team of four studio camera operators. Each of us had a different angle and emphasis on our subject, usually a person speaking on stage. Back in the tech room, the director had a large computer screen that showed all four camera views at once.


Giving in the Church Today

Most Christians believe they should give money to their church. Many churches require their people to give a minimum of ten percent of their income and allow the church leadership to use that money as they see fit. Is this what God really wants?

Body of Christ

Understanding the Scriptures: Can Women Teach in the Church?

Recently a young woman asked about two scripture verses. She was concerned that they did not fit with other truths in God’s Word, or with life. When that seems to happen, it’s good to take a closer look at what the Word really says.

God's Power

Overcoming Tribulation: Be of Good Courage

Those of us who have entrusted our lives to the heavenly Father in our Lord Jesus Christ will have tribulation and affliction because we live in this world.  

Body of Christ

The Local Church in the Book of Acts: A Pattern for Today

Christian churches today differ in their approach to leadership. But what is the pattern for church leadership that the Bible shows among first-century believers in the Book of Acts? In looking at ekklēsia, the Greek word most often translated “church” in Acts, we see churches that are locally self-governed and are supported by energized ministers.