But I’m thankful that I have it, through my many days.
Lord, I need Your mercy, for when I make mistakes,
And Your kind forgiveness, each time my conscience breaks.
You are always there for me; You never leave my side.
Your spirit dwells inside of me, in Christ I can abide.
Jesus gave his life for me; eternal life is mine.
Help me be a light for You, among the world to shine.
When others seem down-hearted, lost, and all alone,
Show me how to teach them to go unto Your throne.
Give me strength and wisdom, to handle every plight,
With prayer and understanding, to win a valiant fight.
Never have I earned Your love, unworthy of Your kindness.
Times I stumble, trip, and fall, because of my own blindness.
Yet, like the man born without sight, I say, “Lord, I believe.”
In Jesus I have wholeness, God meets my every need.
With family and friends abounding, that I don’t deserve.
With health and goodness, tempered fast, allowing me to serve.
I thank You for Your wealth of grace, and mercy when I need it.
And for Your living Word through Christ, that daily I may heed it.
Lord, though I don’t deserve Your grace, through my many days,
I’ll ever rest upon Your love, that fills my heart with praise.
And as I need Your mercy, Your forgiveness, and sweet love,
Until Your Son returns for us, I’ll set my heart above.
4 replies on “Prayer”
How sweet and loving – something worth reading regularly to keep one’s heart close to our Heavenly Father and our broth Christ Jesus
Blesses and warms the heart.
I agree with Suzanne! Thank you! ♥️🙏♥️
Wonderful poem! Love it.