
Believing and Hope in Hebrews 11 and 12

skipper (3)

I remember throughout my younger years enjoying Alan Hale Jr. as the “Skipper” on the television show “Gilligan’s Island.” When, as a news reporter, I was promised an interview with him, I anticipated his arrival on what was Sherry and my “tropical paradise” (Guam). With this hope, I believed to prepare some good questions, and even dressed up like his “little buddy.” We had a great time together, and I won a Gannett Award for my article on him.

Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: Abraham and Sarah – Trusting God


When we were dating, and long before we were engaged, Sherry and I talked about having children. It was something we both wanted. We even picked out names for our future kids (I still remember a little list we made). Once we were married for a couple of years, we began to practically anticipate parenthood. But nothing happened. And yes, we knew how to make babies.