Health & Healing Marriage & Family

God’s Blessings in Pregnancy

We have great memories of praying for our son to be born. And now we’re praying as his son will be born in a few days. Here is a 40-week guide about pregnancy with related scriptures. There is also some interesting information about how a baby develops. God is faithful to help us, and He gives us the desires of our hearts.

Marriage & Family

Our Children’s Children

One of the great moments in my life was on August 9, 1992, when our son Elijah was born. Another amazing day was when he married Aimee, and we finally had a daughter. Then on March 3, 2021, they had Florence. Seeing our children’s children is one of the great joys in life.

Following the Lord Jesus Christ

Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #35 Are You the Coming One?


We most recently witnessed Jesus raising up a young man from the dead! Following this, word about Jesus spread throughout all Judea and even further.


Psalms in Poetic Form: PSALM 127

Click here to read PSALM 127 in poetic form.


Psalm 127 is in the Deuteronomy Book of the Psalms (Psalms 107-150). These 44 Psalms, like the Book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament, show God’s Word as the source of salvation, deliverance, and healing. This would be fully carried out in the life of the coming Messiah, the living Word, Jesus Christ. Whereas Psalm 119 showed that God would raise the Messiah from the dead to eternal life, Psalm 127 is the eighth of 15 “songs of the degrees” (Psalms 120-134) regarding God keeping Hezekiah alive (see the notes on Psalm 120 for more details).

Marriage & Family

Our Spiritual Heritage

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What a bountiful blessing along with an equally enormous responsibility it is to have children. Yet even those of us who have none can (and need to!) help and support parents with this most important obligation: to teach their children about our heavenly Father.

Our Grand Midwest Tour

Our Grand Midwest Tour: Generation to Generation

Dugas Vinson A1To get to Cincinnati, we decided to wind our way through the peaceful, rolling green hills on the back roads of northern Kentucky. I began to really enjoy driving but I knew Cindy enjoyed it, too. So we needed to find her driver’s license—not only to share the driving but also to get her through airport security and onto the plane back home!

Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: Isaac and Rebekah – A Walk with God

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In Genesis Adam and Eve forgave one another, Noah and his wife faithfully obeyed God’s command to save life on the earth, and Abraham and Sarah believed God’s promise to have a son in whom all nations would be blessed. Here we will learn from another married couple, Isaac and Rebekah, and their walk with God when faced with challenging situations.