Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: Abraham and Sarah – Trusting God


When we were dating, and long before we were engaged, Sherry and I talked about having children. It was something we both wanted. We even picked out names for our future kids (I still remember a little list we made). Once we were married for a couple of years, we began to practically anticipate parenthood. But nothing happened. And yes, we knew how to make babies.

Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: Noah and His Wife – Faithful Obedience


Previously we saw that although Adam and Eve were tricked by Satan, they forgave one another, continued together, and believed to have a son named Seth. From Seth came children who carried on the lineage leading to Jesus Christ.

Now we will see the faithful obedience of Noah to carry out all that God commanded so that he could save life upon the earth. Along with his wife, he was able to keep his three sons and their wives alive when all other people died. From Noah’s son, Shem, descended Jesus Christ.