
Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 62

D Glacier 8

Click here to read PSALM 62 in poetic form.


Psalms 61-72 complete the Exodus book in Psalms and show the Messiah’s great atoning work.

This Psalm is separated into three sections by the Hebrew term “Selah,” which means to pause. Some Bible teachers say this connects the truths that come before and after the term.

Jesus Christ

God Saved Us through His Son, Jesus Christ


Lessons from Scouting Days

I have many fond memories of being a boy scout. There were 10-mile hikes through beautiful forests that ended in a refreshing swim in a cool spring, nights of camping under clear, star-filled skies, the fun of learning to swim and rescue others at summer camp.

I recently looked through my old scout handbook and found this:

“A boy who doesn’t know first aid is of little use when someone is hurt. A boy who can’t swim has little chance to rescue a drowning person. As a Scout you will know what to do–and do it. ”