Health & Healing

God’s Refreshing Blessings

Date Palm
Date Palm

We reunited with our friend Dawn at the Witness of God’s Creation gathering on our recent trip to Montana. (See also Gene’s articles on “Our Father’s Loving Design”.) She wrote to us a bit of the blessings she received there, and she gave me permission to share them with you. Read and enjoy!

God's Power

Our Father’s Loving Design: Part 3, Foundational Principles


Part 1 in this series on Our Father’s Loving Design gave three vital truths to understanding the world around us.  Part 2  showed that the first chapter of Genesis describes the origin of every science known to man. Now we will get into the details of God’s design all around us.

God's Power

Our Father’s Loving Design: Part 2, Genesis 1 and True Science


In Part 1, Our Father’s Loving Design, we saw three vital truths to understanding the world around us: God is good always, all that is in the heavens and the earth reflect His design, and all good things today are through Jesus Christ.

God's Power

God Is God

Fields full of bright purple lupine.

I went for a beautiful walk this week up the hill from where we live. After plentiful rains, the literally acres upon acres of yellow-green mustard plants glistened in the sun. Bright golden fields of Brown-eyed Susans were punctuated by the royal purple of lupine and phacelia. I looked for my favorite—mariposa lilies—on the way up to the top, but did not find them in their haunt from two years before when rains were also abundant.

Marriage & Family

The Bees Are Still in the Rosemary (Our New Home)

I love our new home. Not only that it is off of “Conqueror Drive,” but that it shows how much my heavenly Father loves me.

Sherry and I got up this morning at 4 a.m. to see a NASA rocket head off for Mars.

God's Power

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God


As a young girl, my father would take the family to the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles. I loved the shows in the planetarium where we could see the “sun” go down and the “stars” come out in the domed ceiling above us. Since then—from Skagway, Alaska to Melbourne, Australia—I think I’ve viewed the entire expanse of the heavens visible to those of us on earth.

Health & Healing

Six Doctors

6 docs

With the new  year comes health resolutions for many. Six faithful “standbys” for good health are: fresh air, clean water, sunlight, proper rest, exercise, and good food. Here’s a little poem about them.

God's Love

The Bees in the Rosemary

bee rosemary

I went for a walk this morning up a beautifully paved street. I crossed avenues named “Dauntless” and “Exultant” and “Stalwart.” It reminded me of the “ways” that we can walk in when we listen to our heavenly Father—by reading His Word with meekness and using the spiritual connection He gave us through His Son, Jesus Christ.

God's Power

Is God in Control? Part 4


Did God the Creator, Lord of heaven and earth, really give man dominion (authority and control) over the earth? Yes! (See Part 1.)

Did that old serpent, the Devil, really deceive Adam and Eve into handing their dominion (authority and control) over to him, effectively making Satan the god of this world? Yes! (See Part 2.)

God's Love

God’s Unlimited Goodness

bond case

I was James Bond. Walking around the house in my little suit and bow tie, I looked for adventures where I could take on enemy agents and win the pretty girl.