
Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 14

Real Temple Mount
Jerusalem Temple Mount

Click here to read PSALM 14 in poetic form.


This Psalm shows how low a person can go without God. Those who say “There is no God,” go aside, become corrupt, and do nothing good (verses 1-3). In the midst of such corruption and evil is man’s one hope—the Messiah. He is the salvation from God.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 13


Click here to read PSALM 13 in poetic form.


Jesus Christ was the son of David. Like his ancestor, his life was constantly in danger from the attacks of evil men. There is nothing wrong with recognizing evil and voicing our concerns to the heavenly Father.

God's Love

Thinking of Ourselves as God Sees Us

Elijah & Daniel S

Jesus Christ was maligned and criticized more than any man—but he always remembered who God made him to be. At times, when the Devil tries to accuse and condemn us, it’s good to remember who God made us to be and what He thinks of us.

God's Peace

God’s Power and Peace

rock blog2
Toveemur Rock at Pelican Cove

I went for a run yesterday along the coast where we live south of Los Angeles. The sky was bright blue and the ocean danced with whitecaps and deep blue waters. The four and a half miles to Pelican Cove from our house has some of my favorite views past Sacred Cove (where I often go swimming with my friend “Sammy,” a friendly harbor seal) and Abalone Cove. These three “coves”—from the English word meaning a cave or chamber—offer protection and a peaceful place to swim. They remind me of the peace we have when we rely on God’s power.


Give Thanks. In Everything.


THANKSGIVING DAY. Today, we are thankful. We all have plenty to be thankful for. We could each most likely go on for hours about all we have to be thankful for. But can we be thankful in ANY circumstance?

I Thessalonians 5:16-18:
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks

God's Power

Trusting in God, Not Man (Part 1)

trust 1

Sometimes it’s pretty easy to trust in people. It is how we were taught since birth. We put our confidence in our Dad and Mom that they will feed, clothe, house, and love us. We trust in our school teachers to give us what we need to know. We even trust our employers to pay us what we’ve agreed upon.

God's Power

Escape Artists

escape 1

I remember when I was ten years old and how much I wanted to be a magician. My friend and neighbor, Ricky Miller, had an uncle who was a professional magician.

Marriage & Family

Love and Marriage: God, Man, and Woman – A Threefold Cord

April 2016 034

Have you ever tried to use a camera on a single pole? Oops! Most pictures you take will either be of the ground or the sky. How about using a two-legged stand? Not much better is it? There is a reason we use a tripod! It takes three to form a solid, complete base for anything.

Three is definitely the way to go in marriage. With God at the center, a man and woman can have all they need to live a full and enriching life together as husband and wife. These three—God, the husband, and the wife—form a complete arrangement for spiritual wholeness and loving support.