God's Grace

Staying Humble in a Pride-filled World

Jesus was the humblest man who ever lived. He always did what his Father wanted. He put others ahead of himself. He could have claimed all his authority as God’s Son and the chosen Messiah to flaunt his power and make a grand show in the world. But God did not call him to do that. Nor has he called us to be egotistical. We are not self-centered, but God-centered. And therefore, like our Lord and Savior, we are service minded.


That’s the Time We Should Be Humble

That’s the Time We Should Be Humble

Ever notice, when your heart
Isn’t feeling well, you start
To let your thoughts, begin to grumble—
That’s the time, we should be humble.

Thinking how that, I can do,
Everything, to get me through,
“Don’t need help,” I start to mumble,
That’s the time, I should be humble.

Taking on, my every care,
Don’t acknowledge, God is there.
All I carry, my hands fumble,
That’s the time, I should be humble.

Trying to figure everything,
As my brain begins to zing,
All my thoughts are one big jumble,
That’s the time, I should be humble.

Paths before me, much to choose,
Without God, I’ll sadly loose,
Do it my way, then I stumble,
That’s the time, I should be humble.

Building up, facades of pride,
Fear still lingers, at my side,
All my structures, soon will crumble,
That’s the time, I should be humble.

Boldly speaking, without love,
Thinking I’m, God’s gift, above
Others, shouting my words rumble,
That’s the time, I should be humble.

Ever notice, we forget,
God’s work, isn’t finished yet,
Let His grace and mercy tumble,
Overflowing, when we’re humble.

God's Love

A Little Gold Is Better Than a Lot of Stubble


Have you ever been in a boat against such strong wind that after hours of rowing with all your might—you are even farther away from your desired destination than when you started? That is how many people live, especially the really religious ones.


Psalm 34

abcSherry and I love to read five psalms each night before going to bed. If you read five per day, you get through all 150 psalms in thirty days. Then you can start over again the next month. Psalm 34 is one that we read today. As we saw its depth and beauty, we wanted to share it with others.

God's Word

Life Lesson #2

e282The second life lesson I’ve learned is instrumentally woven in with humility (Life Lesson #1)—that I must prove everything by the Word of God. The apostle Paul emphasized to the Thessalonians, “Prove all things. Hold fast to the good” (I Thessalonians 5:21).

God's Love

Lowly Heart, Highly Graced

lowly blog

Have you ever met a “self-made” person? I haven’t. Without God, people wouldn’t even have a physical body or be alive. But today it’s all about self-improvement and self-sufficiency and self-help and “selfies.”

God's Word

Life Lesson #1

Sun Walk

Life has been full of challenging pressures, learning adventures, and great times with my heavenly Father. I love how the challenges and difficulties can bring me one of two ways. Either I end up doing things my way, or I get into the Word and do it God’s way.


Can Two Walk Together Except They Be Agreed?


The Bible asks a good question.

Amos 3:3:
Can two walk together, except they be agreed?