I went for a run yesterday along the coast where we live south of Los Angeles. The sky was bright blue and the ocean danced with whitecaps and deep blue waters. The four and a half miles to Pelican Cove from our house has some of my favorite views past Sacred Cove (where I often go swimming with my friend “Sammy,” a friendly harbor seal) and Abalone Cove. These three “coves”—from the English word meaning a cave or chamber—offer protection and a peaceful place to swim. They remind me of the peace we have when we rely on God’s power.
Tag: Jesus Christ
I have a favorite saying (although it’s one that I often forget, especially in the heat of battle), “Whoever loves first, wins.” Now before I go any further with this, let me explain the ground rules of this competition. First of all, every Christian believer is to “walk in love” toward one another in the same way that Christ loved all of us.
Is God in Control? Part 2
Who Is the God of This World?
God as Creator is Lord over His creation, the heavens and the earth. Part 1 of this series showed that 1) God created the heavens and the earth and all living things in them, 2) He set everything in its course within the natural confines of time and space, and 3) He created man in His own spiritual image, giving him dominion over His creation.
Moving to a New Home
In our 36 years of married life, Gene and I have moved twenty-three times in ten different locations. In each place, from a small island village to one of the largest cities in the world, we’ve built a place we called home and filled it with our love, our family, our brothers and sisters in Christ, our friends.