Following the Lord Jesus Christ

Following the Lord Jesus Christ: #10 The Wedding in Cana


Some of our most interesting conversations have been at wedding receptions. Lots of food, fun, and people in the mood to enjoy life together. Well, leaving the land beyond Jordan, Jesus moved on with some of his disciples to the town of Cana, Nathanael’s hometown in the province of Galilee. They had been invited to attend a marriage ceremony there! Let’s go!


The Joy of Fellowship with the Father

cowboys blog

Some of the sweetest moments in life for me have been just “hanging out” with those I love. I remember gathering fossils along a creek bed with our son Elijah when he was into learning about them. I can recall hours of faithfully running with my friend Rich below star-filled, early morning skies. And I still enjoy daily walks with my lovely Sherry around our neighborhood. These are times of “full sharing” where we open our hearts to one another.


Our Joy in Christ

osuI was feeling pretty good at about the 20-mile mark of the Columbus Marathon. It was invigorating to have just run through a part of the “shoe,” The Ohio State football stadium which is shaped like a horseshoe. As I continued on the course, I saw a man sitting beside the road who seemed to be “out of it.” When I stopped to help him, I noticed a scripture reference on his headband: Hebrews 12:1,2.

Body of Christ

The Fight of Your Life

You are a unique individual, a bundle of body-soul-spirit, with all your God-given abilities, gifts, strengths,and potential strengths (OK, weaknesses too). You’ve entered the great adventure of life, an odyssey of learning, experience, and achievement to attain the lofty goal of loving God first by following in the steps of your Lord Jesus Christ.