God's Love

God’s Graciousness to Us

I have often been astounded at the matchless love of Jesus. Not at his love now, reigning as Lord in a new spiritual body at the Father’s right hand. But as a man on earth, tempted in all ways like us—yet never having sin. He could have failed, but he didn’t. He gave his life for us. My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus’ work and righteousness.

God's Peace

Chillin’ Beats the Villain

Today I learned a great lesson. My posture has been getting worse over the past few years because I allow my head to hang forward. A physical therapist said our heads weight 10 to 14 pounds (the same weight as a bowling ball). For every inch we lean forward, we are putting 10 pounds of pressure on our neck muscles. It’s taking work, but I’m keeping my head centered on my body and am immediately seeing less pain, better breathing, and I’m standing taller. It’s nice to get rid of this literal “pain in the neck.”


Psalms in Poetic Form: PSALM 128

Olive plants round about thy table

Click here to read PSALM 128 in poetic form.


Psalm 128 is in the Deuteronomy Book of the Psalms (Psalms 107-150). These 44 Psalms, like the Book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament, show God’s Word as the source of salvation, deliverance, and healing. This would be fully carried out in the life of the coming Messiah, the living Word, Jesus Christ. Whereas Psalm 119 showed that God would raise the Messiah from the dead to eternal life, Psalm 128 is the ninth of 15 “songs of the degrees” (Psalms 120-134) regarding God keeping Hezekiah alive (see the notes on Psalm 120 for more details).


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 85

Click here to read PSALM 85 in poetic form


Psalm 85 is in the Leviticus book of the Psalms (73—89). The Old Testament book of Leviticus focuses on matters in the sanctuary: the priesthood, ceremonial laws, and feasts. Almost all of these 17 Psalms mention the sanctuary and God’s relation to it. Psalm 85 shows God’s blessings in the “land” or “earth” (verses 1,9,11,12) where His sanctuary dwells.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ: “I am” in the Gospel of John


I am a person. I am a man. I am a son. I am a husband. I am a father. I am a brother. I am an uncle. I am a friend. I am a worker. I am a teacher. I am an American. I am a writer. I am an artist. I am a reader. I am a runner.  I am a swimmer. I am a retired nursing tech. I am a cook. I am a minister. I am filled with holy spirit. I am a Bible believer. I am a bondslave to Jesus Christ. I am a member of the body of Christ. And all of this works together, because I am a born-again son of God.

Jesus Christ

One Wondrous Night

As Jacob sat on the low stone wall
Sharing his evening bread
With Matthew, his fellow shepherdsman,
He savored God’s goodness and said:

God's Love

Lowly Heart, Highly Graced

lowly blog

Have you ever met a “self-made” person? I haven’t. Without God, people wouldn’t even have a physical body or be alive. But today it’s all about self-improvement and self-sufficiency and self-help and “selfies.”

Body of Christ

The Fight of Your Life

You are a unique individual, a bundle of body-soul-spirit, with all your God-given abilities, gifts, strengths,and potential strengths (OK, weaknesses too). You’ve entered the great adventure of life, an odyssey of learning, experience, and achievement to attain the lofty goal of loving God first by following in the steps of your Lord Jesus Christ.