God's Love

Night Has Fallen, Day Will Come

Night Has Fallen, Day Will Come

Night has fallen, gone the sun, across the earthly shores.
Gone the brilliant Helios, to cross celestial doors.
In the night, the stars above, reflect Creator’s zeal
To shine down deep inside our hearts, His passion there to seal.

Night has fallen, men do cease, their labors under sun.
They go to rest and seek for peace, when all their work is done.
Open hearts, they thank the Lord, and lay down weary heads,
With prayerful songs that echo sweetly from their downy beds.

Day will come, its copper rays will warm the chill of night.
Illumined earth will once again be rich and green and bright.
Man will venture forth to serve and take his just, good yoke.
Basking in the Gospel light, words that our Savior spoke.

Day will come through eons vast, a day that has no ceasing.
A timeless time with bodies new, all tears and grief releasing.
For God will send His Son again, to raise us to a life,
That never ends, filled with His love, free from all pain and strife.


Little Did They Know

Little Did They Know

Little did they know—the word had been made flesh.
Little did they recognize—God’s love, Christ’s selflessness.
Little did they understand—the spirit He would send.
Little did they see the joy—that Calv’ry’s cross would win.

Yet Jesus was the word made flesh, the fulness of God’s grace.
The Father’s love poured out to men, His servant in disgrace.
The promised comforter did come, and now it’s Christ within.
The grave and death are overcome, eternal life we win.

Now we are to daily know—and walk by Spirit’s call.
Now we are to recognize—why Christ gave us his all.
Now we are to understand—and with all saints enjoy,
The wonders of His joy and peace—to be God’s girl or boy.

God's Love

A Hymn of Thanks and Praise

A Hymn of Thanks and Praise

All praise to God my Father,
from Whom all blessings come.
He fills me with His spirit,
the vict’ry has been won.
Though I’ve been but a sinner;
aloof, adrift, unsure.
He gave His only Son for me,
to make me whole and pure.

All thanks to Jesus Christ my Lord,
the Savior of all men.
He gave his life—his very breath—
to save us to the end.
To die upon a wretched cross,
and in a tomb be laid.
He rose above all death and sin,
eternal life to gain.

Could I but ever praise enough,
or shout in victory.
Could every mortal tongue awake,
in one grand symphony.
‘Twere not enough—the boundless love
and grace—were we to speak.
And tell of God’s almighty power
through Jesus Christ, the meek.

God's Peace

Let Your Heart Be Untroubled, and Be of Good Cheer!

Let Your Heart Be Untroubled, and Be of Good Cheer!

David had troubles, his heart was enlarged,
His pain and affliction, could not be discharged.
God heard all his crying, and answered his prayer.
“Let your heart be untroubled, and be of good cheer.”
[Psalms 25:17,18]

A man sick with palsy, unable to walk,
Was lowered by friends as our Lord gave his talk,
“Your sins are forgiven,” a promise so dear.
“Let your heart be untroubled, and be of good cheer.”
[Matthew 9:2]

Jesus walked on the sea, after he sweetly prayed,
And to his disciples, said “Be not afraid.
It’s me, I come to you, to be ever near.
Let your heart be untroubled, and be of good cheer.”
[Matthew 14:27; Mark 6:50]

His death was approaching, he spoke with great love,
“I prepare a place for you in mansions above.
You believe in my Father; trust me, have no fear.
Let your heart be untroubled, and be of good cheer.”
[John 14:1-4]

“I will send holy spirit, to comfort your hearts.
My peace I give to you, the world can’t impart.
I’ll come again to you, my Father’s made clear.
Let your heart be untroubled, and be of good cheer.”
[John 14:26-28]

“These things I have spoken, that you might have peace,
The world offers heartaches, that never will cease.
This world have I overcome, that you must hear,
Let your heart be untroubled, and be of good cheer.”
[John 16:33]

He spoke again to them, from death did he rise.
His hands and his feet, showing before their eyes.
“A spirit in flesh, and in bones can’t appear,
Let your heart be untroubled, and be of good cheer.”
[Luke 24:38-40]

Paul was held captive, kept by Roman guard,
At night there stood with him, his Savior and Lord.
“You have witnessed of me, and to Rome you I’ll steer.
Let your heart be untroubled, and be of good cheer.”
[Acts 23:11]

Paul told all the others, who sailed through a storm,
“God’s angel has showed me, we’ll come to no harm.
For I believe God, all He speaks I revere.
Let your heart be untroubled, and be of good cheer.”
[Acts 27:22-25]

When we are daunted, by Satan’s bold lies,
Remember our Lord’s words, let courage arise.
For though we are troubled, with trials and tears,
“Let your heart be untroubled, and be of good cheer.”
[II Corinthians 4:7-18]

God's Word Holy Spirit Jesus Christ

Trilogy of Truth

God our Creator and Father

In the beginning, moved His hand
And built the world His love had planned,
A living, resting place for man,
Creator God and Father.

Then on the sixth and final day,
With earth and heavens fully laid,
From red earth forming Adam’s race,
Created in His image.

Not only flesh and bone and breath,
But with His spirit’s perfect rest,
Free from pain and sin and death,
Created thus to know Him.

Yet Satan tricked this primal pair,
With pride and greed, he set the snare,
Bringing loss and great despair,
Creation groaned in sadness.

But God’s first promise soon He said,
The woman’s seed, would crush his head,
A suffering savior, though made dead,
Creation’s hope arisen.

O Praise the Lord, our God and King,
To the Creator, voices ring,
He gave His Son, our life to bring,
Creator, now our Father.

God, the Holy Spirit, and His Word

From ages past, God’s holy ones,
Spoke of all, the Lord had done,
And how He would, send forth His Son,
His Word would be accomplished.

Noah, Moses, Jesse’s son,
Isaiah, Micah—every one,
Looked to the day, Messiah comes,
The Word made flesh to save us.

An angel told, a humble maid,
That she’d conceive, and bear by grace,
The one for whom, the prophets prayed,
Fulfilling His Word for us.

“God is Spirit,” Jesus told
A woman at the well of old,
As he fulfilled the ancient scrolls,
The living Word among us.

Each jot and tittle, ever true,
God-breathed and faithful, makes us new,
Born of His spirit, me and you.
The Word of Life—salvation.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

What price could pay, the guilt of sin?
Could ever man, be whole again?
A second Adam, victory win?
God never will forsake us.

Cast from the garden’s, precious home,
Where evil spirits, haunt and roam,
Adam’s sons, seemed all alone,
But God would not forsake them.

The flood’s destruction, came at last,
When Noah stood, on God’s Word fast,
From his son, Shem, would come to pass,
The promise of a Savior.

Bearing all our sin and strife,
Never time, for home or wife,
Jesus lived a perfect life,
On the cross to save us.

What happened, that “accepted year,”
When Jesus’ voice, rang true and clear?
He overcame sin, death, and fear.
Our risen Lord redeems us.



Lord, I know I don’t deserve, any of Your grace,
But I’m thankful that I have it, through my many days.
Lord, I need Your mercy, for when I make mistakes,
And Your kind forgiveness, each time my conscience breaks.

Health & Healing

The Sun of Righteousness

The Sun of Righteousness

O soul in this life with temptations you’re dealing,
The devil is killing, destroying, and stealing.
Let not your heart faint for in Christ we are free,
He’s given us life, the salvation we need.

Rejoice, O rejoice, blessed Lord brings us peace,
Our cares and misfortunes must fade fast and cease.
For Christ is the light of a bright breaking day,
The sun that is righteous with healing warm ray.

Perhaps with dark words in your mind you are dealing,
You can’t shake the dread and despair you are feeling.
Remember that God sent His Son for your health,
Embrace and enjoy all his saving true wealth.

Rejoice, O rejoice, blessed Lord brings us peace,
Our cares and misfortunes must fade fast and cease.
For Christ is the light of a bright breaking day,
The sun that is righteous with healing warm ray.

God’s truth in the scriptures are for us revealing,
That Christ our Passover brings goodness and healing.
Remember his body was broken for you,
And sinless, his blood brings forgiveness anew.

Rejoice, O rejoice, blessed Lord brings us peace,
Our cares and misfortunes must fade fast and cease.
For Christ is the light of a bright breaking day,
The sun that is righteous with healing warm ray.

Do negative thoughts to your mind keep appealing,
Your fate turning dark and your doom ever sealing?
Don’t listen to Satan, the father of lies.
Christ gives you victory, open your eyes!

Rejoice, O rejoice, blessed Lord brings us peace,
Our cares and misfortunes must fade fast and cease.
For Christ is the light of a bright breaking day,
The sun that is righteous with healing warm ray.

O lift your eyes high beyond earth’s azure ceiling,
And offer up worship as now you are kneeling.
To God our dear Father Who gave us His Son.
Fret not, but rejoice, in Christ all has been done.

Rejoice, O rejoice, blessed Lord brings us peace,
Our cares and misfortunes must fade fast and cease.
For Christ is the light of a bright breaking day,
The sun that is righteous with healing warm ray.

“But unto you that fear [respect] my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings [rays]….”

–Malachi 4:2

Body of Christ

The Cowgirl’s New Home

There once was a cowgirl, who lived life by this world,
She needed to know her good Lord,
She cried out for freedom—grace and mercy,
She’d need ‘em—to stand with His love in accord.

Body of Christ

Ephesians—In the Lord

GU Baby Shower

Two days ago I talked to my Mom on Mother’s Day, and it was a real treat. She is 92, living at home on her own, and loving God and praying for our family. And I got to spend Mother’s Day with Sherry.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 31

Back Door 3

Click here to read PSALM 31 in poetic form.


This Psalm includes the Messiah’s final words in his earthly ministry: “Into thine hand I commit my spirit” (verse 5) as fulfilled by Jesus Christ in Luke 23:46. This is a Psalm of great joy and deliverance, for despite the enemy’s many attacks, the Messiah trusts in the Lord  Who delivers him from every reproach and adversity. Jesus Christ knew that his times were in his Father’s hand (verse 15).