Health & Healing

About My Healing

I was recently delivered from the hand of my enemy, the Devil, and I would like to tell you about it.


True Answers for Today

I read this in the Bible this morning. It seems to me an apt commentary on our times.

Proverbs 29:16:
When bad men are in power, then crime increases; but good men shall yet gloat [rejoice] over their downfall.

This has been the case in America in recent years. Those leaders who turn from God and His truth cause crime to rise. When these unscrupulous fall, good men rejoice that once again they have freedom.


What Really Matters

Please read this last chapter from James’ letter all the way through. It is from the Lamsa translation of the Aramaic and has good insight for our lives.


How to Pray

God wants us to love and trust Him, as a small child confides in parents. That open-hearted communication with the Father is called prayer. Jesus showed us how to pray.

God's Power

The Throne Behind the Power

I’m currently more than half-way in reading Winston Churchill’s A History of the English Speaking Peoples. Throughout European and American history there have been cabals, national movements, secret juntas of the wealthy and powerful, lies and propaganda…and always a steady fabric of Christian believers who prayed and fought the real spiritual fight of believing.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 55

Terebinth Tree

Click here to read PSALM 55 in poetic form.


This Psalm has the title “Maschil,” which means instruction. Psalm 55 is separated into three sections, each separated with the Hebrew term “Selah,” which means to pause. Some Bible teachers say this connected the truths that come before and after the term. It has a closing subscript “To the chief Musician upon Jonath-elem-rechokim,” which means “a dove flying through faraway Terebinth trees.” This could refer to David’s many wanderings through the wilderness, fleeing from his enemies. Compare verses 6 and 7 of this Psalm: “And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest. Lo, then would I wander far off, and remain in the wilderness.”


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 39



A Earth Planet

Click here to read PSALM 39 in poetic form.


Like Psalm 38, this shows the sufferings the Messiah would endure and overcome so that he could reign as King. Psalm 39 shows man’s need for God’s help.

This Psalms is separated into three sections by the Hebrew term “Selah,” which means to pause. Some Bible teachers say this connected the truths that come before and after the term.

Body of Christ

Persevering in the Important Things

DA Garden Apple 1

There are things that I do every day. Some I don’t have to think about, like breathing or having my heart beat or digesting my food. Others take planning, like stretching in the morning with Sherry or brushing and flossing my teeth each night or calling my Mom on the phone. God’s Word shows five important things to do regularly: pray, study, fellowship, give to others, and share God’s Word.