
Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 14

Real Temple Mount
Jerusalem Temple Mount

Click here to read PSALM 14 in poetic form.


This Psalm shows how low a person can go without God. Those who say “There is no God,” go aside, become corrupt, and do nothing good (verses 1-3). In the midst of such corruption and evil is man’s one hope—the Messiah. He is the salvation from God.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 13


Click here to read PSALM 13 in poetic form.


Jesus Christ was the son of David. Like his ancestor, his life was constantly in danger from the attacks of evil men. There is nothing wrong with recognizing evil and voicing our concerns to the heavenly Father.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 12

silver refined
Purified silver

Click here to read PSALM 12 in poetic form.


Jesus Christ would have found great comfort in this Psalm. Despite the vanity of men, the Messiah could trust in the words of the Lord, for they are pure as refined silver. The Lord will preserve His Word and those who believe it.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 11


Click here to read PSALM 11 in poetic form.


Ancient versions of Psalms (based on Massoretic and manuscript evidence) divide them into five sections that correspond to the first five books of the Bible.

(Psalms 1—41) Genesis: Written concerning “the true David,” the Messiah. Just as Genesis shows God’s “good work” in giving man dominion (Genesis 1:27-31) and in promising to send a redeemer (Genesis 3:15), these 41 Psalms show the Messiah overcoming his enemies with God’s help. The final Psalm ends with blessing God and “Amen and Amen.”


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalms 9 and 10


Click here to read PSALMS 9 AND 10 in poetic form.


Psalms 9 and 10 form a unit and are linked together by an irregular acrostic arrangement. This is the first Psalm that has an acrostic, where a Hebrew letter is used to begin a verse.

Jesus Christ

The Life of God

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If you are reading this, you must have life. It allows you to breathe, think, and act. It is a gift from God, for God is life.