
Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 85

Click here to read PSALM 85 in poetic form


Psalm 85 is in the Leviticus book of the Psalms (73—89). The Old Testament book of Leviticus focuses on matters in the sanctuary: the priesthood, ceremonial laws, and feasts. Almost all of these 17 Psalms mention the sanctuary and God’s relation to it. Psalm 85 shows God’s blessings in the “land” or “earth” (verses 1,9,11,12) where His sanctuary dwells.


Psalms in Poetic Form: Psalm 67

Click here to read PSALM 67 in poetic form.


Psalms 61-72 complete the Exodus book in Psalms and show the Messiah’s great atoning work. Psalm 67 gives praise to God among all nations for His deliverance in troublous times.

Jesus Christ

Rest and Peace through Jesus Christ, Part 2: Walking in Love


In Part 1, we saw that God’s rest and peace comes through believing what He has done for us through His Son, Jesus Christ. The work of God is to believe on the one He sent. That is how we cease from our own works to receive salvation and the righteousness of God. But how do we live restfully and peacefully? That takes a different kind of effort.