Click here to read PSALM 19 in poetic form.
Before God had His prophets write down His Word, God wrote it himself in the heavens. The stars, planets, and heavenly bodies describe the coming Messiah and the enemy that he would overcome. See “The Heavens Declare the Glory of God” and “We Can Trust God’s Word, Part 1” for more detail.
Psalm 19 shows how God’s Word is written in the heavens and in the scrolls. Both are accurate and “God breathed” (Psalms 33:6; II Timothy 3:16). The Devil cannot get rid of the Word in either place, but he does his utmost to obscure their meaning (as with modern “horoscopes” and mistranslations of scripture).
Just as surely as the sun faithfully rises and shines in the heavens on its circuit across the sky each day, so the Messiah is found faithfully throughout the scriptures in his mission to bring man’s redemption.
(Verses 1-6) The Word written in the heavens, and the sun within them
Verses 7-10) The Word written in the scriptures
(Verses 11-14) The Messiah and his mission
Key Scriptures
Verse 2—“Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.” This could be translated: “Each day they emit promises, and each night they display God’s cunning plan.” They circle the sky each day with the canopy of the stars and planets as a backdrop. God’s promises concerning His Messiah are found in their story.
Verse 3—“There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.” Removing the added words (in italics), this reads: “No speech or word, their call is never heard by the ear.” Although silent, they speak volumes, just as do the written scriptures.
Verse 4—“Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.” This is quoted in Romans 10:18, where it refers to faith coming by believing on the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The heavens declare God’s glory and His handiwork—God’s great, glorious work and gift being His only-begotten Son.
Verse 4—“In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun.” This is an amazing truth regarding the zodiac and the significance of the Word in the heavens. The word “tabernacle” means a tent or home. The sun “resides” in the 12 signs of the zodiac, for it passes through them on the ecliptic. Of the 48 constellations visible with the naked eye, these 12 are the main topics of the Messiah’s mission and story. They each have three constellations arranged with them to add further detail, made of the 36 remaining constellations. The sphinx (with a women’s head and a lion’s tail) held the key to where the circle of the zodiac opens and closes. Virgo promises a Messiah who would be conceived of a virgin, and Leo says he will return like a lion. The 10 constellations between also describe important aspects of God’s promised seed.
Verses 7-9—These verses show God’s Word and its benefits. Just as there are 12 major signs or “chapters” in the zodiac telling the Messiah’s story, here are listed 12 attributes and actions of God’s written Word. Look at their arrangement:
For instruction and wisdom:
The Lord’s Torah has integrity
it turns man’s soul (thoughts) back to God
The Lord’s witness is steadfast
giving wisdom to the foolish
For bringing God’s light:
The Lord’s commands are straight
brightening the heart
The Lord’s precept is clean
enlightening the eyes
For eternal stability and justice:
The Lord’s reverence is pure
standing forever
The Lord’s judgments are trustworthy
entirely just
Verses 10-14—“by them is thy servant warned.” Jesus Christ was God’s Son and also a devoted servant. Jesus studied and knew what God’s Word said about himself. He was “warned” or admonished on how he could carry out his mission as declared in Nazareth (Luke 4:16-21). The Psalm closes with Jesus Christ’s heart cry: “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord , my strength, and my redeemer.” That can be our goal and desire each day.
All 150 of The Psalms in Poetic Form are available from Amazon in a book, either Large Print or a smaller Bedside Reader. Also available for free with a Kindle Unlimited membership. Enjoy!
The entire blog series is now available in the publication The Psalms: Background & Structure with Key Scriptures Explained.